Damage type
Five new damage types are available in Arelith. Many items, spells, abilities and effects where modified to inflict them.
Those damage types also comes with immunity, vulnerability and resistance, mostly from Defensive Essences or from other effects.
Some NPC enemies can cause these kind of damage and some of them uses a Immunity bypassing damage as a Superior form of damage (i.e. Superior Poison) which ignore resistance and immunity but takes into account damage vulnerability.
Damage Types
Poison Damage
Poison Immune Creatures & Placeables are immune.
5/- essences & dweomercraft options are available.
- Spells: Cloudkill, Poison Spell
- Poisons: Myconid Rot, Sassone Leaf Residue
Psychic Damage
Mind Immune Creatures & Placeables are immune.
5/- essences & dweomercraft options are available
Bleeding Damage
Crit-immune Creatures & Placeables are immune.
5/- essences & dweomercraft options are NOT available.
- Assassin: Assassinate ability
- Invisible Blade: Bleeding Wound & Eviscerate.
- Harbinger Crimson Countess abilities.
- Poisons: Widow's Kiss
- Bleeding Wound weapons property.
Force Damage
5/- essences & dweomercraft options are NOT available.
Shield Spell provides damage reduction.
- Spells: Bigby's Clenched Fist, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Magic Missile
Entropy Damage
5/- essences & dweomercraft options are available.
- Defiler: Part of Negative damage converted to Entropy.
- Dirgesinger: Memento Mori, Echo, Dirge of Harvest.
- Epic Spells: Greater Ruin, Hellball (Magic damage was replaced with Entropy)
- Spells: Chill Touch, Crumble, Destruction, Disintegrate, Horrid Wilting
- Wild Surges: Avascular Mass, Disintegrate