There are three ways to die:
- One way is by taking so much damage that your character hits -10 hp.
- The second is failing a saving throw versus a spell that kills instantly.
- Lastly, if any of your characters 'status' meters get to -100%, they will die (that is to say; thirst, hunger, exhaustion and sobriety but not piety).
When a character is losing hitpoints, they can still act normally until reaching 0 HP. Once a character runs out of hitpoints, falling to the threshold of 0 to -9, they will proceed to fall to the floor and "bleed", gradually losing 1 hitpoint each round.
When a character is dying, one of these things will happen:
- Divine intervention may occur at the moment your character would normally die. Your character will be restored to full hitpoints, all effects (good or bad) will be removed from them, and they will be granted a Greater Sanctuary effect that lasts a few seconds. This can only happen to characters whose deity is of the War & Destruction, Hearth & Home or Nature aspects. All the other deity aspects have a minor chance of divine intervention though. Its chance of occurring is dependent on the character's piety, and it will significantly drain the character's piety if it does occur.
- The character may "stabilize", where the gradual loss of Hitpoints is halted and reverses, until the character has one hitpoint left and stands up again.
- The character, if not healed, will bleed to death and die. This is the most common outcome.
Being killed by a NPC Monster will incur a small experience penalty upon death. Being killed by a Player Character will not. In both cases, all the gold and corpses character carried will be gone from their inventory and left behind. All carried equipment will stay with the dead character. When a character dies (by any means) they leave a corpse with all their gold on the ground at the location where they fell.
The death area
Once character has died, dead character's spirit will be transported to a foggy area known as Fugue Plane, outside the walls of the city of Kelemvor, where they are able to interact with the spirits of other dead Player characters (if there are any). A character cannot engage in PvP or cast magic while in the Death Area.
Please note that Fugue is an IC area, and all the rules still apply.
Memory loss
In contrast to previous ruling and DnD lore, a character is free to remember any and all details of their death, and even the events that may occur in the Fugue Plane.
However, playing the post-raise amnesia is perfectly acceptable, and even encouraged.
That said, some players like to employ various "personal rules" on how much their characters remember. For example a "six minute rule", saying that due to the trauma of being killed, they can't remember anything for the six minutes prior to dying (or one in game hour). This is purely up to each player's judgment and neither expected nor required!
Amnesia is often used to provide IC justification for following the twenty four hours rule or to stop character from permanently seeking revenge, if it is not desired for their storyline. It can also prevent characters from looking like a fool in character, should they try to report own murder after getting back to life.
- "Its generally considered bad taste however to run up to a guard 2 seconds after respawning, pointing at XXXX person and going "THEY KILLED ME ARREST THEM PLZ!"
- Casually going on about how you were once eaten and digested by a Red Dragon once is a bit silly as well at times. But hey! Its your call, really." msterswrdsmn
It makes sense after dying and coming back for character to go to where they died and try to do what they were doing when they died. Or try to figure out what happened to them if player is roleplaying a mild amnesia or confusion. For example: "How did I end up back in town? I thought I was halfway through the forest." And then taking the exact same path where character were killed because that's what they had planned to do.
- "This, to me, is a great starting point for some interesting roleplay. There has been many times where my characters have bumbled around, confused and disoriented after respawning. There have been many other times where there has been some sort of IC explanation for it." DM Watchtower
Returning to the living
One of two things can happen once dead.
- Somebody may resurrect your character using the Raise Dead or Resurrection spells, albeit this is rare, or most likely, your character's corpse may be hoisted and carried to a wayshrine to revive you. Your character is once again alive. Neither Resurrection nor Raise Dead incur an XP penalty (except for the small one you will suffer on entering Death if you are killed by an NPC/monster).
- You can have your character respawn. Respawn is walking into the beams of light, literally. The pillars scattered in the Fugue Plane will bring your character back to the real world at their respawn point. There is an XP cost for respawning, relatively smaller than the first penalty.
If a character has a Mark of Despair or a Mark of Destiny, then a death counts as a death, regardless of whether they resurrected or not.
There are a few important things to note about this:
- The first character to lift corpse will gain all of the gold that dying character was carrying.
- Using certain Area of Affect spells (like Ice Storm), or attacking directly will destroy the corpse and prevent it from being raised, forcing a respawn and thus, an Experience point penalty. Some players consider this to be griefing or poor sportsmanship, but it is never considered obligatory to provide the chance of a raise, and you are free to bash a corpse if it suits your character's roleplay. That said, doing it purely to inflict an experience point penalty, or having a character whose roleplay is built around "bashing" for the sake of it, is likely to be considered a breach of both the Be Nice Rule and the Roleplay Rule. When a corpse is bashed, the remains include a skull item bearing the name of the character killed.
- Player will get a message while in death for every action taken with corpse, including if it is picked up, dropped, or destroyed.
- Respawning will make the corpse disappear.
- Respawning has a 5 minutes timer if you died in PvE; if you died in PvP, the timer is 20 minutes long.
The respawn penalty
On top of the normal experience cost, when you respawn (and only when you respawn going through the portal gate!) will drain a larger experience cost than the one you get when you die, and incur a lingering stat penalty. Both of these are relative to the level of your character.
All your stats, except strength, will be severely reduced depending your level. The duration goes as follows:
- PvE deaths have (characterlevel / 3) * 2 IG hours (6 RL minutes).
- PvP deaths have have a (characterlevel / 3) * 2 * PVPDeathCounter IG hours.
The PvP penalties takes four times as much to wane if you go offline.
Additionally, the "PvP Death Counter" increases every time you respawn after a PvP death, stacking up to a maximum of 4. This counter resets to 0 after 3 + Counter RL days from the last moment it is refreshed. This counter ticks both offline and online.
Respawn points
Your "respawn point" is the place your character is returned to once they respawn. The default is the point where the character first entered the server, such as the boat in the Temple District.
You can change your respawn point at any time by 'talking' to one and choosing to 'bind your soul.' There are respawn points hidden all over the world, including in most major settlements. It's up to your character to find them in-game.
Consequences of death
- "There is no server rule saying that death has to mean anything beyond the mechanical impact. I quite agree, however, that this leads to unsatisfying stories. But writing a good story can't be done against a background of ooc competition. The only way to get good conflict stories is to co-operate in their writing, which means ooc communication between the parties involved to agree a context in which actions can be interpreted and the story progressed.
- The friendly DM team are around to judge on any specific cases, but I'd encourage anyone engaged in conflict RP to maintain open and friendly ooc channels with their IC opponent(s)."
Permanent death of character
Permanent death, or permadeath, of a character can occur in one of these cases:
- Characters with a Mark of Despair or a Mark of Destiny will die permanently when their count of lives is over..
- A player with a character of level 16+ can perform the Epic Sacrifice.
- There is another permanent way to die in the Underdark, but it is widely known and the probability comes with enough warnings for the epic characters that may face the risk.
If a character is deleted through any of these ways, they may not be remade.