Suffering Domain
Domain Description
A character aligned with the Suffering Domain is bound to the idea of strength in pain.
Domain Bonuses
- None
- None
Turn Undead Bonus²
- None
- None
Spell Interactions
- Vampiric Inflict: The stated spellswhen cast from the spellbook of a Cleric results in Vampiric Regeneration for 1/2 inflicted damage and also triggers Overheal, granting up to 30 (Healer path: 90, Defiler path: 60) temporary hit points when exceeding the target's total health.
- Circle of Doom
- Inflict Light Wounds
- Inflict Moderate Wounds
- Inflict Serious Wounds
- Inflict Critical Wounds
- Harm: *only 1/4 of inflicted damage)
- All Vampiric Inflict will apply to the nearest ally, without a full Overheal, within 10m if the caster Overheal is full
- Note: This means this ability will continue to cascade Overhealing to allies within 10m until the caster and all allies have full Overheal
Domain Spell List
- Ray of Enfeeblement (1)
- Bestow Curse (2)
- Circle of Doom (3)
- Finger of Agony (4)
- Harm (5)
- Enervation (6)
- Eye Bite (7)
- Evil Blight (8)
- Horrid Wilting (9)
¹ If the domain gives a Bonus language, it requires 6 Class levels.
² Turn Undead has been extensively customized on Arelith. Read more here.
³ If the domain has a spell as a domain power, the requirement is the spell's innate levels * 2, but this domain does not give a domain power.