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Arelith Wiki

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 00:03, 26 August 2010 by AufsMowl (talk | contribs)

Welcome to Arelith Wiki
The premiere Neverwinter Nights roleplaying community. 1,189 articles since June 2008


Arelith Wiki is currently recovering from a recent hard drive failure. As such, some of the information may not be up to date. Please help improve the Wiki by editing outdated pages.


Arelith is a mysterious distant island with high peaks on surface and deep Underdark. The popular destination of adventurers and home of many interesting characters.


  • Arelith is hosted on three interconnected NWN roleplaying servers inspired by Forgotten Realms setting and inhabited by great community of players, dungeon masters and developers.
  • All new players should look at the 5 golden rules of Arelith here or in their in game Journal before they start to play.
  • See the new player guide for a comprehensive look into the various aspects of the Arelith world.
  • To chat with other players (and perhaps get some questions answered), check out the IRC chat at irc.freenode.net, using your favorite IRC client.
  • Any future questions can be answered on Arelith forums.


  • Make sure you know how to Connect though direct connection to reduce lag.
  • Arelith is running on three servers, one for the Surface, one for the Underdark and one for Cordor. Please Direct Connect using the following addresses:
The capitol: Cordor - arelith.servegame.org:5123
The Surface - arelith.servegame.org:5124
The Underdark - arelith.servegame.org:5125

Searching wiki

Use singular form of word and small letters, unless the word is abbreviation or name. Please, report any missing words on forums or Discussion page.

Helping out

All wiki users and contributors are expected to read and abide by the Arelith wiki rules and guidelines at all time when using this wiki. Please, read them before making any contributions.

To write a new article, first use Search to look for similar articles. If none is found then just enter the title in the box below. (Use singulars and lower case letters for second and following words!)




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