Use Poison/feat
Type of feat: Assassin Class, Blackguard Class, Ranger Class, Shaman Class, Zhentarim Operative Class, Cause of Vindication Path, Derro Racial, Goblin Racial, Green Hug Racial, Kenku Racial, Wild Dwarf Racial, Yuan-ti Racial |
Automatically granted by: Assassin 1, Blackguard 1, Ranger 6, Shaman 1, Zhentarim Operative 1, Vigilante (Cause of Vindication Path) 3, Derro, Goblin, Green Hag, Kenku, Wild Dwarf, Yuan-ti |
Required for: None |
Specifics: The character is trained in the use of poison and never has to make a dexterity check when applying poison to a blade. |
Use: Automatic |