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Description of Kobolds
This humanoid is about the size of a gnome or halfling. It has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of rat, and a doglike head with two small horns.
Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobold's scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange.
Kobolds are aggressive, xenophobic, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes. Kobolds are distantly related to dragons and are often found serving them as minions. Kobolds speak a version of draconic, with a yipping accent. Kobolds are often described as either rat- or dog-like.
Kobolds usually consume plants or animals but are not averse to eating intelligent beings. They spend most of their time fortifying the land around their lairs with traps and warning devices (such as spiked pits, tripwires attached to crossbows, and other mechanical contraptions).
Kobolds hate almost every other sort of humanoid or fey, especialy gnomes and sprites.
A kobold is 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak Draconic with a voice that sounds like that of a yapping dog.
Professions and classes
- written by Lualyrr Terrana
Kobold miners make up the vast majority of any tribe...
If the biggest hurdle a kobold faces is her lack of strength, then that’s no obstacle at all. The moment a kobold accepts her physical weakness, the more powerful she can become through means other than brute force. Kobolds’ power doesn’t originate in their muscles, but from their hereditary magic—in the heart of every kobold flows the blood of dragons.
For kobolds, awakening the potential of sorcery within themselves is a birthright. Nothing could be more natural. As quick-footed creatures, kobolds can also become talented rogues. With a kobold’s lack of brawn and stamina, the fighting professions might seem less than appealing, but as with any vocation that kobolds embrace with determination, they are still very much possible.
Barbarian: Kobold berserkers are more common than
one might think—their bonuses when raging more than
negate the kobold’s racial ability score penalties. A kobold
barbarian is therefore able to hold her own against most
other opponents once her draconic blood starts boiling. The
kobold does enjoy a slight advantage when raging because
the –2 penalty to Armor Class is offset by her Small size
and +1 natural armor bonus. Finally, a kobold barbarian is
capable of moving twice the speed of most other creatures
her size, giving her a significant tactical advantage.
Bard: As natural sorcerers, kobolds intrinsically understand
how bards manifest their magical abilities, using
performance as a focus. It takes very little for kobolds to
pick up this profession on the fly, drawing on their innate
aptitude for sorcery. As nimble creatures, kobold bards
also make exceptional scouts and acrobats, specializing
in tumbling to take advantage of its defensive bonuses.
Cleric: Most kobold clerics worship Kurtulmak, but
kobolds are not limited to that deity, especially if they have
broken with tradition and embraced an individualized path.
Io, a neutral dragon god, is more than willing to accommodate
such kobolds. Many other dragon deities also accept kobold worshipers.
Kobold clerics don’t usually weigh themselves down with heavy armor, preferring speed and maneuverability.
Druid: Kobold druids are champions of underground
resources and very much at odds with their own culture.
They feel that mining without exercising restraint robs the
earth of nourishment. As such, kobold druids are usually
exiled from their lair for having counterproductive beliefs.
These kobolds sometimes attack their own tribe, using
natural traps and summoned animals. Kobold druids favor
lizards or dire weasels as their animal companions.
Fighter: A kobold fighter favors weapons with reach
or light weapons to which the Weapon Finesse feat can
be applied, and with good reason. Kobolds prefer fighting
styles that reward speed and cleverness, such as Spring
Attack to better execute hit-and-run tactics against slower
creatures. Kobold fighters traditionally wear light armor
and carry crossbows or slings. Strong kobolds esteem bows
for the ease with which such weapons can be reloaded.
Monk: The hardworking and introspective nature of
kobolds lends itself to the disciplined monk. The inner
focus evidenced by the Searching for the Dragon ritual can
easily be directed toward the perfection of martial abilities.
Kobold monks take full advantage of their Dexterity,
applying Weapon Finesse to their unarmed strikes at the
earliest opportunity.
Paladin: Kobold paladins are exceedingly rare and are
almost never the product of a typical kobold tribe. Similar
to fighters, kobold paladins avoid medium and heavy
armor until they acquire a special mount, which can be a
dire weasel. At this point, kobold paladins often resort to
wearing heavier armor and wielding lances, using their
mount to provide speed.
Ranger: Kobold rangers are unrelenting when tracking,
especially in pursuit of a fleeing gnome. Even after locating
her prey, a kobold ranger shadows her quarry until a
good ambush position can be found. As Small creatures,
kobolds are very good at sniping from hiding, which is
only augmented by their Dexterity bonus. Most kobold
rangers choose archery as their combat style and attack
from cover.
Rogue: As inherently agile creatures, kobolds make skilled
rogues and talented trapmakers. Kobold rogues place even
more emphasis on agility than kobold fighters do—sneak
attacks aren’t about strength. Realizing this, kobold rogues
focus on Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently to maximize their
chance of catching their opponents flat-footed.
A kobold trapmaker is regarded as an artist by her fellow tribe members.
Sorcerer: Kobold sorcerers are preeminent in their
society and always regarded with deference. Kobolds can
turn to sorcery at any point in their lives with complete
confidence that their draconic heritage is always waiting
for them. Kobolds with a talent for sorcery are guided through
the awakening of their abilities and directed toward specific
types of magic. Entering into this calling is a deeply
reverential act, surrounded with more ceremony than any
other part of kobold culture. A kobold sorcerer is required
to make lifetime vows to the craft of sorcery, not unlike
swearing into the priesthood.
Wizard: Although kobold wizards are no less capable
than sorcerers, a large amount of cultural stigma is attached
to pursuing this class, as if doing so goes against every
draconic principle for which kobolds stand. It has never
been a question of whether kobolds can become powerful
wizards, but rather why they would deny their own
heritage when the same arcane magic can be so readily
accessed from within. Kobold wizards who remain with
their tribes endure ridicule and scorn their whole lives.
Kobold society is influenced by their Lawful Evil alignment. They will plan and dig mines industriously, while laying cruel traps for interlopers. If they must confront an enemy, they will mass their troops for an ambush. Among the monstrous humanoids, they are known for cunning plans, unlike many they also share those plans among the tribe. General plans and goals are common knowledge, and detailed plans are shared with all who ask to allow them to work fruitfully for the good of the tribe.
Kobolds have specialized laborers, yet the majority of kobolds are miners. Kobolds prefer exile to execution, and in some disputes, kobolds will split tribes in order to spread their kind over a larger region. Kobolds are also extremely fecund egg-layers, having the highest birth rate among humanoids, and mature quickly, in 6 years. They often lay eggs in a common nest, with specialized foster parents to watch over the eggs and wyrmlings (young under 1 year).
Kobolds like to attack with overwhelming odds (at least two to one) or trickery; should the odds fall below this threshold, they usually flee. However, they attack gnomes on sight if their numbers are equal. They begin a fight by slinging bullets, closing only when they can see that their foes have been weakened. Whenever they can, kobolds set up ambushes near trapped areas. They aim to drive enemies into the traps, where other kobolds wait to pour flaming oil over them, shoot them, or drop poisonous vermin onto them.
The patron deity of the kobolds is Kurtulmak, the god of war and mining, who despises all living creatures except kobolds. The other main god worshipped by the kobolds is Gaknulak, the god of protection, stealth, trickery, and traps. A lesser-known Kobold demigod is Dakarnok.
Mythic origin
- written by Lualyrr Terrana
While Kurtulmak is reputed to be a mortal ascended to divinity, kobolds credit Io, the Ninefold Dragon, with their creation. It is told that when Io first created true dragons, they were originally immortal gods, less powerful than Io but much like him. To make each one of his creations distinct, Io gave each a different aspect of his personality. These divine dragons rarely got along, pursuing only one goal in common—the acquisition of material wealth.
The true dragons quickly realized they lacked the power to manipulate creation in all the ways necessary to accomplish their goals, and they petitioned Io for aid. Io, being an impartial god, would not play favorites with his creations and gave each dragon the same choice. He taught them how to create life by giving up a piece of themselves, but he warned that in so doing, they would permanently be rendered mortal and eventually die. The life they created, however, would serve their desires without fail.
Perhaps not yet wise enough to appreciate their divine existence, the dragons accepted the knowledge Io offered and departed for the world below. They took up residence in widely separate lands. There, the true dragons did as Io instructed, each severing a single limb. Not only did each limb start growing back immediately, but the severed part also grew into an adult dragon. The original true dragons thereby gained mates.
Furthermore, wherever the dragons’ blood had spilled, little creatures began to emerge out of the ground with alert, crimson eyes, already looking up at their creators for guidance. Thus were kobolds born, witnesses to the moments during which the immortality of the true dragons slipped away.
Roleplaying tips and technical information
Voiceset information
- written by Lard the Bard
- Make sure you used the unlockers on the Portraits and Voices page before attempting the following:
Players can use any voiceset that fits with their image of new character, but since many individuals have had problems with voice sets for kobolds, here are some helpful information about it. This is to provide players with the best in game kobold that can be.
It is not recommended to use the Deerkin voice. Why? It will actually cause character to be out of character, unless of course they make a kobold by the name of Deerkin (which would be likely asked by DMs to remake). After hours of looking and extensive research some players consider the best match for kobolds to be a voice set:
- "Lizardman, Fanatic Male"
There are some limitations, though:
- It is not a full voice set. It will not have all the voice features in the game. For example, the running dialogue voice.
- There is no female version of the voice. A female kobold would have to use the same voice that males use. It is not hard to imaging that both male and female voices would be similiar and sound the same though.
- There is not very many variations on voices for kobolds, so many players use it, since it is by many considered the best choice to be in character in the game, as stated by the rules of the server.
Options for speaking Kobold
Please, see the Draconic page to see what are the variation on Kobold's draconic speaking and True Draconic speaking of dragons. Kobolds speak Draconic especially when they wish that other Underdark races do not understand them.
The reason the above voice set is considered the best choice in game is because the hissing noise it makes is similiar to the standard kobolds speech. Majority of kobolds in game roleplay this hissing, even through there could be found exceptions to this. For example, when in character, and playing a kobold, player would type in hello like this:
- "hellosss" - hello
Some other examples of commonly speaking kobold:
- "ssshinny ssstufff" -gold
- "*Persons Name* issss goingzz" - Usually kobolds tend to talk about themselves in the third person. The person's name is where you would say your name.
- "Darkzz ssskinsss" - A reference to Drows.
Kobolds have a tendency to hiss when they talk. So when writing and being in the role, many players are using lots of ss's and zz's.
The Kobold Victory Chart
- credits to Raland
- Delightful victory chart for what a kobold can do in the case of victory from 4th edition books.
Kobolds are prone to victorious outbursts when they finally defeat a foe. When a kobold drops a character to zero or fewer hit points, roll on the following table if you want to inject some random craziness into your game:
- 1-10. No effect.
- The kobold lacks the imagination to do anything interesting. It might chitter or giggle, but it really doesn’t know what to do when it defeats something.
- 11. Kill things, take their stuff!
- The kobold picks an item off the fallen adventurer as its trophy. It spends a minor action next round dancing in celebration before running off to hide its treasure.
- 12. Ask not what you can do for the tribe!
- The kobold spends a round standing on the fallen adventurer’s body, delivering a victory speech. All kobolds within 5 squares heal 5 hit points.
- 13. I attribute my success solely to luck!
- The kobold immediately hides in its victim’s backpack or under his unconscious/dead form.
- 14. Whoa! That’s never happened before!
- The kobold is stunned until the end of its next turn, shocked by its own success.
- 15. Come get some!
- The kobold spends a round taunting the nearest PC.
- 16. Victory!
- The kobold lets out an inspiring whoop that grants all kobolds within 5 squares +1 on attacks for the rest of the fight.
- 17. You’re next!
- The kobold gains an action point.
- 18. This will only anger them!
- The kobold drops its weapon and runs away in fear of retribution. It comes back to the fight in 1d4 rounds.
- 19. I’m only getting started!
- The kobold heals hit points back up to his bloodied number if bloodied, or up to full if he is not yet bloodied.
- 20. FEAR ME!
- The kobold gains +2 on attacks and damage and +1 on defenses until the end of the encounter.
Creating new character on Arelith
Base race
- +2 Dex, -2 Str
- Favored class: Rogue
- Special abilities
- Small stature:
- +1 size modifier to attack rolls.
- +1 size modifier to AC.
- +4 size bonus to hide checks.
- Skill affinity (move silently): +2 racial bonus to move silently checks.
- Skill affinity (listen): +2 racial bonus to listen checks.
- Lucky: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.
- Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against spells and effects of the fear subtype.
- Good aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls made with throwing weapons.
- Favoured Class: Sorcerer
Kobold leaders are usually sorcerers. Clerics are fairly rare and usually found only with large tribes.
Usually lawful evil
After you later select subrace in Arelith Entry, additional STR -2 will be applied to your character.
- STR -4, DEX +2
- Craft Trap +2, Listen +2, Spot +2
- Darkvision
- Favored Class: Sorcerer
- Begins in Urblexis Grond, in the Underdark
NWN appearance is not influenced by selection of head, skin, hair, or clothing.
- Scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black colour. On top of doglike head are two small light-coloured horns. Tail.
- Eyes: glowing red
- Bonus language:
- Starting city: Urblexis Grond
External Links
- credits to Raland
- Kobolds on Forgotten Realms wiki
- The normal wiki for D&D kobolds
- Races of the Dragon on Forgotten Realms wiki
- Tucker's kobolds - funny article from Dragon 127
- Khan the Destroyer - d20 build and part of inspiration for PC Kon-Kon
- The Urds, their lesser known relatives on Forgotten Realms wiki