Trickery Domain
A Cleric with Trickery Domain is given insight into obfuscation and the way of scamps.
Domain Special Abilities
Bonus Abilities
- (none)
Activation Abilities
- Able to Turn Undead. (See Turn Undead)
Divine Trickery - Bonus to hide, leadership, search, disable trap, move silently, open lock, and sleight of hand checks equal to 1 + 1 per 2 cleric levels. This effect lasts for 5 turns + the cleric's charisma modifier.
Spell Interactions
- (none)
Domain Spell List
- Camouflage(1)
- Invisibility(2)
- Invisibility Sphere(3)
- Displacement(4)
- Improved Invisibility(5)
- Confusion(6)
- Sleep(7)
- Mass Blindness / Deafness(8)
- Otto's Irresistible Dance(9)
- Divine Trickery can be used once per day.
- Turn Undead has been extensively customized on Arelith. Read more here.