Protection Domain
A Cleric with Protection Domain is learned in the ways of watchers and guardians.
Domain Special Abilities
Bonus Abilities
- (none)
Activation Abilities
- Able to Turn Undead. (See Turn Undead)
- Able to Turn Outsiders as if they were Undead. (See Turn Undead)
Divine protection - The Cleric is able to cast an improved form of sanctuary that sets the save DC at 10 + charisma modifier + clerical level. The effect has a duration of 5 rounds + charisma modifier.
Spell Interactions
- Immune to Issac's Lesser Missile Storm (when Shield spell is active)
- Lesser Spell Mantle is empowered
Domain Spell List
- Shield(1)
- Magic Vestment(2)
- Minor Globe Of Invulnerability(3)
- Energy Buffer(4)
- Lesser Mind Blank(5)
- Greater Globe Of Invulnerability(6)
- Greater Stoneskin(7)
- Lesser Spell Mantle(8)
- Divine Protection can be used once per day.
- Greater Sanctuary and Divine Protection now share the same cooldown. Using one will disable the usage of the other for 4 minutes
- Turn Undead has been extensively customized on Arelith. Read more here.