Defensive Roll/feat
Type of feat: Rogue Bonus, Harper Scout Bonus, Zhentarim Operative Bonus, Assassin Class, Monk Class, Shadowdancer Class, Swashbuckler Epic Bonus, Cause of Freedom Path |
Prerequisite: Rogue 10, Harper Scout 5, Zhentarim Operative 5, Swashbuckler 23 |
Automatically granted by: Assassin 12, Monk 17, Shadowdancer 5, Vigilante (Cause of Freedom) 9 |
Required for: Epic Dodge |
Specifics: If struck by a potentially lethal blow, make a reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If successful, take only half damage from the blow. Limited to one use per day. Flat-footed characters cannot make a defensive roll. |
Use: Automatic |