Healing Domain
A Cleric with Healing Domain is bound to the concept of convalescence and respite.
Domain Special Abilities
Passive Abilities
- SoonTM
Activation Abilities
- Able to Turn Undead. (See Turn Undead)
Spell Interactions
- Empower Healing1 - The following healing spells are cast as if with the empower spell feat:
Domain Spell List
- 1The stated spells are empowered whenever cast by a character with this domain, regardless of the source of the spell. Most notably, this includes drinking curative potions except heal potions.
- Clerics with the healing domain will notice that empowered versions of the cure spells will be double empowered except Heal.
- A Cleric with this domain who casts a maximized cure spell will have the spell effects maximized before this domain empowers them.
- Turn Undead has been extensively customized on Arelith. Read more here.