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Mak Thuum Ngatha

From Arelith Wiki
The Nine-Tongued Worm
Planar Powers: Bel | Dispater | Mammon | Fierna/Belial | Levistus | Glasya | Baalzebul | Mephistopheles | Asmodeus | Pazuzu | Orcus | Graz'zt | Baphomet | Demogorgon | Dagon | Abyssal (magic) | Abyssal (war) | Abyssal (trickery) | Ravanna | Malkizid | Zuggtmoy | Juiblex | Paush | Eltab | Pale Night | Obox-ob | Abraxas | Kostchtchie | Tymphal | Crozhen | Haknian | The Sequence | Pisaethces | mother | Kezef | The Endless Frost | Dendar | Cackles | Atropus | Tharizdun | Mak Thuum Ngatha | Yeenoghu | The Drowning Man

Aliases: The Nine Tongued Worm
Gender: Neuter
Demonym: Atrophite
Power Level: Planar Power
Symbol: Fan-Shaped glyph with nine squiggly lines.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: End of Time & Barriers
Worshipers: Nilshai, psurlons, mad loremasters.
Domains: Destruction, Knowledge, Madness, Travel
Arelith worshippers' alignments[1]: LE, NE, CE
Aspects: Knowledge and Invention, Magic

Outside of the Far-realms little know of the Nine-Tailed Worm, fewer still worship it; only the mad and the damned would try; disturbingly, unlike most denizens of the Far-realms
Mak Thuum Ngatha has a terrible and disturbing degree of interest in the material plane.

References: Schwalb, Robert J. (December 2007). Elder Evils. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 19. ISBN 978-0-7869-4733-1.

  1. On Arelith, the restriction for D&D clerics also applies to paladins and druids