Daze Caster Level(s): Bard 0, Spellsword 0, Wizard / Sorcerer 0 Innate Level: 0 School: Enchantment Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Range: Long Area of Effect / Target: Single Duration: 1d2 Rounds Additional Counter Spells: Clarity Save: Will Partial Spell Resistance: Yes This spell inflicts 1d4 psychic damage for every 3 caster levels to the target. If the target is a humanoid creature with less Hit Dice than the caster level and fails their will saving throw, they are also dazed for 1d2 rounds.
Arelith Changes
Daze: Inflicts 1d4 psychic damage per 3 caster levels. The duration of the daze effect is now 1d2 rounds. The damage applies regardless of whether the daze affects the target. Works against any creature with hit dice less than or equal to the caster's class level.
- Infinite casting; uses are automatically replenished after casting. See Cantrip changes.