Console command: Difference between revisions
m →-track |
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* View All Messages | * View All Messages | ||
* Disband Faction | * Disband Faction | ||
=== -fetch === | |||
Teleports NPC companions to the PC | |||
Use: -fetch | |||
NPC companions entails such things as familiars, summons and henchmen. | |||
Quite useful when a summon gets stuck and fails to follow the PC. | |||
=== -follow === | === -follow === |
Revision as of 09:34, 11 April 2016
NWN console command
Player Standard NWN console commands can be found on listed on NWN wiki. These command allows for example roll dices or move your character out of wall (-makesafe).
Below are described only commands that are specific for Arelith.
Mith's Virtual Console
On Arelith it is possible to use a unique system of console commands to perform different Actions or use Languages.
To access the list of all available commands, just type "-" into the toolbar and send it in with Enter. The list will display in a poppup screen. Commands in green are usable and red unusable by the character.
Commands that target another player, like -scry, can be sent as a tell to another player. This eliminates the need to type the first part of that character's name. The targeted player won't actually see the tell. The ! command can also be sent as a tell to hostile just one person.
All -commands have the optional parameter ?, which allows player to see detailed information on how to use that particular command. Example: -dispel ? shows player information on how to use -dispel.
Available Languages
- Main article: Languages
Depending on race, subrace, class and alignment, character can understand and speak various languages. By using the following command in the chat console, they can speak a sentence in a specific language:
-xx The text, you want to speak.
Replace xx with the mnemonic of the language the text should be translated into, e.g. ' -el This is Elven.' A List of all available languages and the according mnemonics you receive by entering '-' (hyphen) in the chat console.
- -- ... Common
- -ab ... Abyssal
- -an ... Animal language
- -ce ... Celestial
- -dr ... Draconic
- -dw ... Dwarven
- -el ... Elven
- -gn ... Gnome
- -go ... Goblin
- -ha ... Halfling
- -in ... Infernal
- -or ... Orc language
- -si ... Sign language
- -th ... Thieves cant
- -un ... Undercommon
Available Actions
Hostiles characters.
Use: !
This command sets state to hostile for all characters that are not in your party and within 10 meters (30 foot) radius from you. It can be sent in a tell to target only a single character.
-associate / -a
Speak through a companion.
- -a I'm your generic familiar/animal companion!
- -a /w And this is your companion whispering!
Allows a player to speak through their familiar or animal companion without possessing it. It can also be used to speak through a character's projected image (see spell focus illusion). Familiars, animal companions and projected images can also whisper or shout.
Alters the population. For druids only.
Use: -balance
May be used once per rest to regulate the balance of an area.
Blinds your character (RP tool).
Use: -blind
-dispel cancels effect of this command
Displays the current date
Use: -date
Including the Faerun month name and year.
Deafens your character (RP tool).
Use: -deaf -dispel cancels effect of this command
Permanently deletes the current character.
Use: delete_character (twice)
Using -delete_character triggers the Epic Sacrifice.
Changes your characters' description
- -description This is a totally generic description about my character.
- -description + And this is the next paragraph of the description, explaining the waving of the cape.
Using the first command will replace the current description with whatever you write. Adding the plus will add another paragraph below with whatever you write.
Examine yourself:
To view the change yourself, do the following:
- Put the "Examine" option in a Quickslot.
- Click on this quickslot and click on your own character.
For long or complex descriptions with line breaks/carriage returns, consult this guide.
Conceals character's identity, taking a new name.
Use: -disguise [Fake Name]
Use again to remove the disguise.
More information in the Disguise article.
Removes all spells that you have cast on yourself or other player characters.
Use: -dispel
Useful for getting rid of unwanted buffs.
Dispels any spell effects that players character have cast on themselves, including potion effects and summons. To dispel spells that you cast on another PC, send them -dispel as a tell. There is currently no way to automatically dispel wards that another PC has cast on you.
Manages your faction memberships.
Use: -factions
Allows player to manage their faction memberships, create new factions, and send/review faction messages.
-faction is OOC communication device in game. By using it, you can read OOC messages left by others there. Only members of this -faction and DMs can see those messages. Those messages self-destruct in 1 month.
There is only 1 leader for each -faction, but leader can assign multiple recruiters, and multiple people that can use -faction to send messages. Anyone can create new faction by using the -faction command and following the dialogues with its console.
You can be member of multiple -factions.
Each member of -faction have a certain rank.
Members' Ranks:
- Rank 0 means you can read messages.
- Rank 1 means you can additionally send messages.
- Rank 2 means you can additionally recruit new members.
- Rank 3 is the faction owner, who can also promote members.
Faction owner have access to all functions of faction:
- Change Member Rank
- Add Member
- Remove Member
- Send Message
- Remove Message
- View All Messages
- Disband Faction
Teleports NPC companions to the PC
Use: -fetch
NPC companions entails such things as familiars, summons and henchmen.
Quite useful when a summon gets stuck and fails to follow the PC.
Your character starts following the nearest member of your party.
Use: -follow ["character name"]
Works through transitions, but not server jump.
The target character must be in line of sight to start following.
Diverts enemy attention from allied character onto yourself.
Use: -guard ["character name"]
- Makes your character protect another character, as long as the guarded character is within melee range of the guard. When active, any enemies that choose to attack the guarded character will instead attack the guard. This has no effect on PvP, because it only affects the AI's behavior.
- Note that -guard will not function if the character using it is already being guarded by another.
- The Guard target can be changed by guarding a different character or cancelled by guarding your own.
- Guard does not block Attacks of Opportunity (AoO). The guarded character should therefore refrain from doing any of the following:
- Running in melee range of enemies (unless the AoO can be avoided with Tumble or Spring Attack)
- Casting a spell in melee range of enemies (unless Defensive Casting mode is in use)
- Firing a ranged weapon in melee range of enemies
- Drinking a potion inside melee range of enemies
Hostiles characters in a specified range.
Use: -hostile [number]
The number will define how large is the area of PCs hostiled around your character in yards. If no distance is defined, then all the PCs in the area will be hostiled.
Reveals information from special elements.
Use: -investigate
- Using this near a bloodstain will give player information about how the person died. It keys off Search and Lore and requires both to be high on the character (Character with very high Search would still require a high Lore to be able to recognize everything). Results of investigate have three levels. Easiest result is what race of monster killed what race of character. Second is what type of damage was inflicted, making the kill. And third is what type of 'class' the characters were. Note that classes are not directly from Neverwinter Nights.
- Note that bloodstains that -investigate uses to get information from can be cleaned up by using Cleaning Implements
- This can also be used with NPCs to ask them who have they seen recently.
Shows all the languages and their learning progress.
Use: -language
Loads saved outfit.
Use: -loadoutfit [outfit_name]
Saving an outfit (using the command -saveoutfit) will record the current appearance of your armor/clothing, cloak, helmet, weapon and shield. Loading will replace the current look of the gear you have equipped at the moment with the saved configuration.
The saved outfit will be stored virtually, and it doesn't matter if you drop or change the appearance of the gear that you used originally. It will even work with different items as long as they belong to the same category (a heavy armor will be replaced with the saved configuration of any other heavy armor, but it will never take the appearance of a chainmail armor or clothing, and a longbow will not be replaced with the appearance of a shortbow).
This is a particularly useful tool for characters who specialize in the use of -disguise.
You can have several saved configurations.
Unstucks your character, for debugging purposes only.
use: -makesafe
- Using it will move PC to the nearest waypoint, which should in all cases be somewhere character can get out from. Note that Mithreas also updated all jail cells in the module to contain a waypoint, thus preventing people exploiting their way out of jail. Developers also log use of this feature and will smack abusers liberally with the ban stick.
Prompts up a window with information about Arelith-specfic changes and additions.
Use: -manual [manual]
If you write -manual without defining any topic, then you will see the list of available topics.
Includes information about races, classes, specific mechanics, such as languages, and others.
Changes your name (DM maintenance room only)
Use: -name [New Name]
Moves a fixture by coordinates.
Use: -move_fixture [X-Number] [Y-Number]
You must be within 4 yards of the fixture you desire to move. X and Y are defined by coordinates, where X is west-east and Y is north-south. Use negative values to move them in the opposite direction!
Note that you cannot put fixtures where you are exactly standing, or move them into walls or out of bounds.
Toggles Tells
Use: -notells
-notells opens a menu that allows players to control who they will receive Tells from. Optionally, a player can turn off Tells for everyone. If someone tries to send a player a Tell while they are blocked, they will receive a message telling them that the recipient has chosen not to receive Tells. If a player sends someone a Tell who cannot reply to them, then the player will get a warning reminding them of the block (but the Tell will go through).
DMs can always send you Tells, even if you have -notells on.
Places a nearby fixture in your inventory.
- -pickup_fixture
- -pickup_fixture ["fixture_name"]
This allows you to pick up fixtures without dialogue options. If you don't input any name when using this command, then your character will grab the nearest fixture.
Shows currently online players on both servers.
Use: -playerlist
The information will be displayed in the combat log.
Adopts alternate form.
Use: -polymorph
- Used by Totem Druids to transform into their animal form, PC Dragons to tranform into their dragon form, and werewolves to revert to their human form.
Bear in mind that -polymorph has a 90 seconds cooldown timer before it can be used again, normally.
Change your portrait (DM maintenance room only)
Use: -portrait [Portrait_file_name]
Getting the portrait file name
This can be a little tricky, but it's not with these simple steps:
- Download the NWN explorer tool
- Start the program from nwnexplorer
- Open NWN Main Data
- Go down and open Data\textures_02.bif
- Go down and open Images, Portrait
- Browse at your leisure!
- Once you have found the portrait you want, take note down the name without the last part after the underscore
- As example, if you want to use Po_penguin_h.tga, just take Po_penguin_
Send a magical image of yourself with a message to target character. For epic illusionists only.
Use: -project_image [character name]
You may write the name of the character completely, use the command in a tell, or write the start of the name, but be warned; if there are several characters which name starts with whatever you write, you may end up messaging the wrong character.
When you cast this spell you are prompted for a message. An image of your character appears in front of the target character, speaks the message you entered, and vanishes.
If you are on another server at the time, the message will come through, but will be a ball of light instead of your character's image.
Rotates a fixture.
- -rotate_fixture [grades]
- -rotate_fixture [cardinal direction]
The fixture must be the closest within 4 yards to the character.
You can rotate it by grades, from 25 to 360, or by basic cardinal direction, that being north, east, south, west.
Reveals your sneaking character for the specified PC.
Use: -reveal ["character name"]
Using this command will show your sneaking character to whoever you define, as if they had succeeded a spotting check. Mind that if you break line of sight you will disappear for them again.
Use sparingly!
Toggles visibility of your sneaking character for your party.
Use: -revealparty
Use again to toggle off.
Useful for adventuring, as the rest of the party members will be able to see you even if you aren't in their line of sight, for better positioning of stealth characters when tackling enemies.
Note that the toggle will persist through resets.
Saves your character and location manually.
Use: -save
Useful when player have just gained something they don't want to risk losing. Characters will also be saved regularly as they travel around the world, and will be saved automatically on logout or when the server resets (though not if the server crashes). Character are not saved when they stay for extended time in the same area and don't transition.
This command saves both your character file (xp/inventory) and your location. Use it whenever you withdraw gold from the bank or take valuable items out of a chest!
Saves current appearance of equipment.
Use: -saveoutfit [outfit_name]
Read -loadoutfit above for more information!
Magically spy a character in the server. For epic diviners only.
Use: -scry ["character name"]
You may write the name of the character completely, use the command in a tell, or write the start of the name, but be warned; if there are several characters which name starts with whatever you write, you may end up Scrying on the wrong character.
Characters with Epic Spell Focus in Divination can scry on other characters. Scrying works as a cutscene, showing the caster the target's current surroundings. (True Seeing won't show the scrier. Note that using any OOC methods to identify a scrier is considered metagaming.)
It is possible to protect yourself against scrying; for details you will have to find out in game!
Scrying works even if a character is exiled from a settlement.
- "-scry beats -disguise - if you're being scried on, the scrier knows who you are at that point in time.
- However:
- they can't automatically recognize you on a different occasion
- being able to use -scry doesn't mean you automatically see through disguises when you're not scrying
- you can't automatically see through the disguises of anyone else you happen to see while scrying, only the person who you're actively scrying on." Mithreas
The XP penalty for having a higher level character around will fire when the scrying is active, as the game counts the scrier as being present. This functions in the same way as having a high-level character in stealth nearby.
Regarding when the scrier shows as visible, OR they suddenly are teleported there, they are considered present and detectable IG:
DM_Cobra says:
- I cannot answer whether it's a bug or not, but it's 100% IC either way. Scrying has risks, this is (apparently!) one of them.
:Change character voiceset (DM Maintenance room only)
Use: -soundset [voiceset ID number]
Getting the Voiceset ID
Just follow these instructions.
- Go to your NWN root folder
- Open the file (depending your computer system, you may need to use a compressing tool like Winzip, Winrar, 7zip, or else)
- Inside, locate and open soundset.2da with a text editor (Wordpad or Notepad will do, for Windows users)
- The number of the first column is the ID.
For example, selecting the ID 260 would use the Snake voiceset, (that is mostly a lot of hissing!)
Since you can't hear the voiceset straight from the file, it is advised to check it beforehand in the game in the process of creating a new character.
Guarantees Wild Surge for the next casting. For Wild Mages only.
Use: -surge
After using, the character will perform a casting animation. Some feedback reporting that the surge is active will be displayed in the combat log.
More information in the Wild Mage article.
Teleports to a known portal. Costs 100xp. For epic transmuters only.
Use: -teleport
Works identically as a portal lens.
Check what creature spawns in the area and current population levels. For rangers, Forest Gnomes and Harper scouts only.
Use: -track
Higher level rangers can see evidence of more creature types.
See also: Balance
Will show Arelith's update changelog.
Use: -update
Note: Not yet available.
Invokes a protective trap-like sigil at your feet. For epic abjurationists only.
Use: -ward
"It holds multiple enemies in place for one round within a set radius around the caster, unless they pass a will save. This ward lasts for a long time, so it can buy a fleeing caster valuable time."
Warding wards off an area from hostiles:
- It damages people regardless of the save
- If they don't save, they get paralyzed
-ward teleport
Prevents teleportation into or out of the current map for the duration of the spell. For epic abjurationists only.
Use: -ward teleport
-ward teleport closes off the current area when it comes to teleportation. No one can -teleport, use a planar portal, or use a portal lens to enter or leave the area, and no one can -yoink anyone to or from the area until the spell fades.
Note that -ward teleport uses a space, instead of an underscore.
Defines energy type used for the Eldritch Blast of the Warlocks
Use: -warlock [energy]
Note that you need to have the energy type unlocked before you can use it. Some examples of energy you can use are magic, cold, positive, electric.
Using -warlock ? will allow you to see the full list in-game.
Teleports character in the server to the caster. Epic conjurers only.
Use: -yoink ["character name"]
When attempting to yoink a character, a summoning animation will trigger, and the target character will receive a prompt informing them that somebody is trying to yoink them, which they may accept or refuse.
You may write the name of the character completely, use the command in a tell, or write the start of the name, but be warned; if there are several characters which name starts with whatever you write, you may end up Yoinking the wrong character.
Mithreas: "Areas where you can't use portal lenses already prevent conjurers from yoinking people away - this includes Death."
-yoink can be laggy and not work right away when used, also -yoink does not activate on target character if the target character is in use by another script, such as when sitting on a chair or crafting.
There is also a known bug where if the person refuses the -yoink by simply hitting the escape key rather than selecting 'No', then the caster will be unable to use that spell until a reset. Please always use the menu option out of courtesy.
Your character can also perform additional actions by using the following commands in the chat console.
Note that these are case-sensitive, and must be written without capital letters.
*detects evil*
This action is "paladin only". It costs 100 experiences and 10% piety.
All evil characters near the paladin make a Will save against a DC of 11 + paladin's wisdom modifier + 2 for each Divination spell focus the paladin has. If any evil characters fail, the paladin is informed that there is evil nearby.
Invokes intervention from your Deity. It costs piety.
Other emotes
The following emotes provide only visual and sound effects. Unlike emotes from radial menu, the use of many of the following emotes has no expiration time and will be performed by character till that character moves or some other action is taken.
Example: When *lies* is typed then character stays on the ground as long as you want. While when radial menu is used to *lies* then the character lies and stands up again after few seconds.
- *bows*
- *casts* (this emote uses the visuals of the last spell cast by the character, hands raised up in the air)
- *cheers*
- *conjures* (this emote uses the visuals of the last spell cast by the character, hands towards the ground as if summoning)
- *crouches*
- *dances*
- *kneels*
- *laughs*
- *leaves*
- *lies*
- *falls*
- *reads*
- *scoffs*
- *sits*
- *threatens*
- *trembles*
- *waves*
- *worships*