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Summon Mount/feat

From Arelith Wiki
Type of feat: Cavalier Class
Automatically granted by: Cavalier 3
Required for: None
Specifics: Cavaliers are bonded with their horse and they can summon their personal steed if it isn’t already nearby.

The horse will have a 50 Temporary hit point bonus permanently applied to it.

Cooldown: 12 Minutes, but reduced by 1 minute for every Cavalier level.

  • Summons a Saddled Palfrey until one of the following conditions applies:
  • Wild Horses (Unsaddled): Druid, Ranger, Barbarian, Shaman and Wild Races (Wild Elf, Forest Gnome, Wild Dwarf).
  • Grey Wolf: Small race surface riders such as: Lightfoot, Strongheart, Ghostwise, Rock gnome.
  • Dreadstead: Drow, Blackguard, Warlock, Harbinger, Palemaster.
  • Worg: Underdark riders that does not qualify for a Dreadstead.

Note: Some Arelith Custom races cannot ride.

Use: Selected