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Template:Crafting: Medium Chain Armor: Smithing

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 23:39, 21 April 2024 by EdensFall (talk | contribs)
Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Chainshirt Armor (Bronze) 424 9 1 150 gold 1st 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Chainshirt Armor(Iron) 426 23 43 5439 gold 1st 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Leather torso
Damage Immunity: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus
Chainshirt Armor (Steel) 429 24 78 9822 gold 1st 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Leather torso
Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus
Chainshirt Armor (Mithral) 767 33 220 27505 gold 1st 2 Coal
3 Ingot (Mithral)
Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus
Improved Saving Throws: Universal +1
Weight Reduction: 80% of Weight (24 lbs)
Greensteel Chain Shirt 772 33 217 27244 gold 1st 2 Coal
4 Ingot (Greensteel)
Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Armor Modifier)
Arcane spell Failure: -15%
Chainshirt Armor (Adamantine) 435 32 194 24258 gold 1st 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Leather torso
Armor Bonus: +3 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus

Spellbinder's Chain 1667 48 500 133040 gold 16th Hexblade OR Warlock Smith
1 Chain Shirt (Adamantine)
8 Coal
2 Bolt of Silk
1 Chardalyn Stone
1 Rogue Stone
Armor Bonus: +4 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: 5% Bludgeoning Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: 5% Piercing Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: 10% Slashing Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +2
Skill Bonus: Bluff +4
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Cast Spell: Spell Clutch (1/day) - only affects Warlock spells.
Weight Reduction: 40% (12 lbs)
Only Useable By: Warlock
Increased UMD Requirement (45)
Songsword's Guard 1579 49 360 157532 gold 16th 8 Coal
1 Beljuril Gem
1 Star Sapphire
2 Dragon Oil
6 Ingot (Mithral)
Armor Bonus: +4
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 5% Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: Piercing 5% Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Bonus Skill: +4 Concentration
Bonus Skill: +4 Perform
Use: Restoration (7) 2 Use/Day
Weight Reduction: 40% (12 lbs)
Only Useable By: Bard
Increased UMD Requirement (60)
Elven Chainmail 849 53 350 83005 gold 21st

Elf (Non-Drow Non-Aquatic)
OR Half-Elf Smith
2 Mithral Dust
2 Ingot (Silver)
1 Leather Torso
1 Beljuril Gem

Armor Bonus: +4 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: 5% Bludgeoning
Damage Immunity: 5% Piercing
Damage Immunity: 10% Slashing
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +1
Bonus Skill: +5 Hide
Bonus Skill: +5 Move Silently
Weight Reduction: 40% (12 lbs)
Arcane Spell Failure: -15%
Special: Counts as Light Armor for purposes of the Spellsword Bladesinger Path and for Swashbuckler light armor requirements
Tier 3 Rune (Espruar)
DEV Note: Elven chain counts as light armor for most interactions with an exception for base game behavior like ranger dual wield.

Mail of the Holy Knight 848 56 750 210310 gold 21st

Paladin Smith
2 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
4 Ingot (Steel)
1 Leather Torso
1 Word of Faith (scroll)

Armor Bonus: +4 (AC Armor Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Evil +5 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 5% Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: Piercing 5% Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +3
Skill Bonus: Leadership +3
Skill Bonus: Ride +5
Skill Bonus: Taunt +3
Improved Saving Throws: Fear +3
Use: Remove Fear (2) 2 Use/Day
Use: Word of Faith (13) 1 Use/Day
Tier 3 Rune (Celestial)
Only Useable By: Good
Only Useable By: Cavalier OR Divine Champion OR Harper Paragon OR Knight OR Paladin OR Liberator
Increased UMD Requirement (50)