Relative Height Representation
A cross between the great Giants and mortal races, Half-Giants are a rare form of half-breed unique almost exclusively to the lands of Arelith. While they possess the Giants' size, strength, and gruff demeanor, they also benefit from the less rigid morality and adaptable mind of the mortal races such as Humans, or Dwarves.
Similar to the Cyclops, the origin of the Half-Giants remains a mystery. While many theories exist such as magical creation or typical unions, the greater part of the giant community does not know what to make of Half-Giants. Whether a Half-Giant is accepted or ostracized in his or her community largely depends on each giant tribe’s theories or interpretations. Regardless of the trials a half-giant faced during their upbringing, one certainty remains: their place in the world is contested, it must be asserted, and Annam’s blood gives them the strength to do so.
Half-Giants, who leave for whatever reason, often find themselves forming guilds or banding together in traveling parties with other Half-Giants as most mortal societies treat them with healthy caution. Whatever their reason for leaving home, most Half-Giants still adhered to the Ordning and the teachings of Annam All-Father.
The presence of Firbolgs can sometimes be found in these Half-Giant communities despite the old enmity between Giants and Giant-kin. As expected, conflicts often arise, such as:
The often-Lawful Fire Half-Giants may not look kindly upon the Firbolgs as they have rejected the Ordning. On the other hand, the Storm and Cloud Half-Giants may praise Firbolgs for their act of defiance.
Accepted Arelith Half-Giant subraces: