- The Mighty, Captain of the Waves
- Faerûnian Demipowers: Finder Wyvernspur | Garagos | Gargauth | Gwaeron Windstrom | Hoar | Jergal | Lurue | Nobanion | Red Knight | Savras | Sharess | Shiallia | Siamorphe | Ulutiu | Uthgar | Valkur | Velsharoon | Eshowdow | Moander
Aliases: | |
Gender: | Male |
Demonym: | Valkuryte |
Power Level: | Demipower |
Symbol: | Cloud with three lightning bolts on a shield |
Alignment: | Chaotic good |
Portfolio: | Sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval combat |
Worshipers: | Fighters, rogues, sailors |
Domains: | Air, Chaos[1], Good, Oceans[1], Protection |
Arelith worshippers' alignments[2]: | CG, CN, NG |
Aspects: | War and Destruction, Hearth and Home |