Sun Domain
A Cleric with Sun Domain is spiritually and grossly incandescent.
Domain special abilities
- Exceptional Turning - Add 1d4 to all turning] checks to determine the maximum hit dice of [undead turned. Also add 1d6 to the number of undead hit dice turned.
- Bless Weapon adds +1d8 positive vs. Undead and +1d8 fire vs. All
Domain Spell List
- Bless Weapon(1)
- Searing Light(2)
- Good Hope(3)
- Undeath To Death(4)
- Flame Shield(6)
- Sunbeam(7)
- Sunburst(8)
- For the conversion between turning check and the maximum hit die of an individual undead that can be turned, see the table in the turn undead article. On average, the [Sun Domain] bonus typically adds 1 to the highest level creature that can be turned.
- This domain affects the turn undead ability, not undead specifically; it applies equally to all races that can be turned (if the ability to turn races other than undead is granted by another domain or the planar turning feat).