Category:Yuir Deities
- Yuir Powers: Elikarashae | Magnar | Relkath | Simbul | Zandilar
- Note: These deities accept clergy only of the Half-elf race.
Adjacent to the Seldarine (and with many of them actually being aspects of them) - we have the pantheon of the Yuir Gods. Once the deities of primitive humans living in the region these gods were adopted by the elves of the Yuirwood. These Yuir gods eventually merged with members of the Seldarine and were forgotten when those elves did. After the Time of Troubles many half-elven ancestors of the Yuir began invoking these ancient powers once more. Only half-elves from Aglarond really worship these deities - along with Faerunian deities of nature and the Seldarine at large. They will be in their own category and available to half-elves (who rpwise, would be from the Aglarond region).
- Is an elvish hero who ascended to join the ancient Yuir pantheon. She is seen as a protector of the people and the land. She is an aspect of Shevarash.
- Is a massive and benevolent bear-spirit that is venerated by those who value strength. He is an aspect of Rillifane Rallathil. Druid accessible.
- Is a treant with an uncountable number of limbs. A chaotic, unpredictable defender of the Yuirwood and its trees. He is an aspect of Rillifane Rallathil. Druid accessible.
- Is a goddess of fate and whose name was adopted by the ruler of Aglarond. She is an aspect of Labelas Enoreth.
- Is a blue-skinned goddess of love and tragedy. She is associated with dance and passionate quick burning love. She is an aspect of the goddess Sharess.
See Also
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