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Epic Sacrifice

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 23:39, 14 May 2016 by Iceborn (talk | contribs)

Previously known as the 5% roll.

What is it?

There comes a time when it is time to say goodbye to even the most loved character. Perhaps they have finally perished, or chosen to return forever to life on the sword coast. Regardless of the reason, when it comes time to retire your character Arelith has an operational reward scheme.

When you use -delete_character, if your character is in the following level ranges, you have a chance at an award:

  • 16-20: 5% chance of normal award, 95% chance of minor award.
  • 21-25: 5% chance of major award, 45% chance of normal award, 50% chance of minor award.
  • 26-30: 5% chance of major award, 95% chance of normal award.

If you are successful, you will get a floaty text message just before you are sent back to character selection on using -delete_character for the second and final time.

The list of awards is currently as follows. All apply only to new characters created after the retirement. Only one award may be redeemed per new character.

  • Minor: -1 ECL applied to your character
  • Normal: -2 ECL applied to your character OR ability to ride horses.
  • Major: Any Normal Award (but ECL reduction is -3 not -2) OR one of the following:

Not available anymore:

"...if a player has a good idea for a unique race, class feature, item, or anything they deem would enhance their enjoyment and the enjoyment of others, they may propose their idea to the admin team by sending a forum PM to the Active Admins usergroup. Examples of potential ideas include "I want a bow that has infinite arrows because of <x> reason" or "I want a sword that glows with righteous fire because of <y> reason" or "I want to play a dog because I really like dogs and I think I could create a lot of inclusive RP by playing a dog for <z> reasons".

We reserve the right to deny requests for any reason at any time, particularly if they require a significant investment in developer time or we don't judge them a good fit for the atmosphere of the server." - Scholar Midnight

Common Question Answers

  • Award redemption is per CD key. You can transfer awards freely between different accounts on the same key.
  • There is no RPR requirement on RDD and shifter anymore. If you're being silly with it, we'll deal with it on a case by case basis.
  • Gift of SR was restricted because it was overused.
  • ECL is applied as follows. If you would normally get 100xp, and you have an ECL of -2, you get 100 * (level / (level -2)) xp. so at level 4 with -2ECL you get double xp from kills.
  • You need to redeem an award to be able to ride horses.
  • Ride Horse is a radial menu feat. I've not looked at mounted combat.