Communication in game
In character
In character (IC) communication in game (IG) is done on Talk, Shout and Whisper channels. Everything told on these channels should be considered IC and any character hearing it can react on what is told.
There is a possibility to use different languages in character without the need to learn any new language out of character. Languages work in exactly the same way on any IC channel.
Other methods of communication between characters include speedy messenger, town criers, message boards, books, and letters or notes written on writing paper. Messages for real estate users can be also left on doors of quarters or guild houses by using the message written on paper on the entrance door.
It is never allowed to send IC information via a Tell.
Out of character
Out of character (OOC) communication in game can be done only in tells to individual characters or by sending message to DM channel if such is necessary. Using other channels, even with prefix "OOC:" or "//" is forbidden by first server rule Role Play.
For OOC communication of guilds is available console command -factions.
Please, note that many server rules still apply on OOC channels, including rule to be nice to others, cybering rule and personal interaction rule.
Note, that it is always necessary to state desired channel when setting quickslots.
- /s what? - character will say what? and anyone standing within double the normal talk range will hear it.
Shout channel is only for IC communication. Instead of the normal Shout behaviour of shouting to the entire server, it acts as a long range Talk. Just speak normally into the Shout channel, or put a /s before whatever you're going to say to shout.
- /w what? - character will whisper what?. This will be heard only to those in close distance from character.
Whisper channel is only for IC communication.
- /tk what? - character will say what?
Talk channel is only for IC communication.
Party chat is not allowed on Arelith. (/p)
- /dm Please, could someone help me to gain assassin token?
The player will not see own text appear in chat window after sending a message to DM channel, since only DMs can see what is told on this channel. This is for OOC communication with DMs, or for OOC requests for IC information (e.g. asking whether your character finds any clues when searching).
DM channel should be used with discretion. See contacting DMs for details.
- /t "Who" what - this will send in tell "what" to character named Who
- /tp "Who" what - this will send in tell "what" to player with login name Who
Tell can be send to a single player or a DM. Such communication is considered OOC.
It is never allowed to send IC information via a Tell, and doing so is considered metagaming.