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Revision as of 15:50, 1 May 2018 by Iceborn (talk | contribs)
The Vaunted, Archmage of Necromancy, Lord of the Forsaken Crypt
Faerûnian Demipowers: Finder Wyvernspur | Garagos | Gargauth | Gwaeron Windstrom | Hoar | Jergal | Lurue | Nobanion | Red Knight | Savras | Sharess | Shiallia | Siamorphe | Ulutiu | Uthgar | Valkur | Velsharoon | Eshowdow | Moander

Aliases: {{{Deity Aliases}}}
Gender: {{{Deity Gender}}}
Demonym: {{{Deity Demonym}}}
Power Level: Demigod
Symbol: A crowned laughing lich skull on a solid black hexagon
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, undeath
Worshipers: Liches, necromancers, seekers of immortality through undeath, Cult of the Dragon
Domains: Death, Evil, Magic, Undeath[1]
Arelith worshippers' alignments[2]: LN, CN, NE
Aspects: {{{Deity Aspect1}}}, {{{Deity Aspect2}}}

See Also


  1. Domain is not supported in Neverwinter Nights
  2. On Arelith, the restriction for D&D clerics also applies to paladins and druids