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Template:Crafting: Crown/Circlet/Diadem: Difference between revisions

From Arelith Wiki
ElevenOne (talk | contribs)
m Updated Circlet of Heroic Might
m beguiler's crown gives L6 warlock, not L5
Line 183: Line 183:
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer Level 5<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer Level 5<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 5<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 5<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Warlock Level 5<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Warlock Level 6<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 5<br/>
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 5<br/>
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +3<br/>
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +3<br/>

Revision as of 13:57, 5 July 2024

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Golden Crown 867 22 60 46471 gold 12th 1 Ingot (Gold)
1 Diamond

Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +2
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +3
Skill Bonus: Appraise +3
Skill Bonus: Bluff +3
Skill Bonus: Concentration +3
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +3
Skill Bonus: Leadership +3
Skill Bonus: Perform +3
Skill Bonus: Taunt +3
Tier 2 Rune (Thorass)

Divine Diadem 869 29 152 41079 gold 16th

1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
1 Ingot (Gold)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Diamond
3 Sapphire

Enhancement Bonus: Wisdom +2
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric Level 6
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)
Only Useable by: Cleric
Increased UMD Requirement: 20

Fiendish Crown 993 44 387 48444 gold 21st

1 Alchemy Catalyst (Greater)
1 Royal Tourmaline
2 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Greater Planar Binding (scroll)

Armor Bonus Vs Good +4 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus +3 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Bonus Spell Slot: Hexblade Level 1
Bonus Spell Slot: Hexblade Level 2
Bonus Spell Slot: Hexblade Level 3
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Skill Bonus: Bluff +1
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2
Skill Bonus: Leadership +2
Skill Bonus: Taunt +2
Use: Doom (5) Unlimited Uses/Day + 25
Use: Lesser Planar Binding (9) 2 Uses/Day + 11
Tier 3 Rune (Fiendish)
Only Useable by: Evil
Only Useable by: Blackguard OR Divine Champion OR Evil OR Hexblade OR Zhentarim Enforcer
Increased UMD Requirement: 50

Brass Crown 860 12 21 22147 gold 1 Ingot (Brass)

Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +2
Skill Bonus: Appraise +2
Skill Bonus: Bluff +2
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2
Skill Bonus: Leadership +2
Skill Bonus: Perform +2
Skill Bonus: Taunt +2
Tier 1 Rune (Thorass)

Arcane Headband 858 24 105 51699 gold

1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Lesser)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Alexandrite

Enhancement Bonus: Intelligence +1
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 3
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 4
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 3
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 4
Tier 2 Rune (Thorass)
Only Usable By: Spellsword OR Wizard
Increased UMD Requirement: 20

Blessed Visor 1557 38 370 23719 gold 16th

2 Ingot (Silver)
1 Golden Crown
1 Sunstone
1 Rosenstone
5 Holy Water

Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +2
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Bonus Spell Slot: Favored Soul Level 6
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +1
Skill Bonus: Appraise +1
Skill Bonus: Bluff +1
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +1
Skill Bonus: Leadership +1
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Skill Bonus: Perform +1
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Skill Bonus: Taunt +1
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)
Only Usable By: Favored Soul
Increased UMD Requirement: 20

Beguiler's Crown 862 38 340 256515 gold 21st

1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
1 Ingot (Gold)
1 Ingot (Silver)
10 Topaz
1 Dominate Person (Scroll)

Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 5% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Bonus Spell Slot: Bard Level 5
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer Level 5
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 5
Bonus Spell Slot: Warlock Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 5
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +3
Skill Bonus: Appraise +3
Skill Bonus: Bluff +3
Skill Bonus: Concentration +3
Skill Bonus: Hide +1
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +3
Skill Bonus: Leadership +3
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Skill Bonus: Move Silently +1
Skill Bonus: Perform +3
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Skill Bonus: Taunt +3
Use: Charm Monster (10) Unlimited Uses/Day
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)
Only Useable By: Bard OR Sorcerer OR Spellsword OR Warlock OR Wizard OR Invoker
Increased UMD Requirement: 30

Circlet of Heroic Might 861 38 318 39815 gold 21st

1 Mithral Dust
1 Fossil Amber
1 Ingot (Iron)
3 Dragon Blood
3 Ruby

Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 5% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Enhancement Bonus: Strength +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +3
Skill Bonus: Taunt +2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Lore -2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Use Magic Device -1
Improved Saving Throws: Fear +3
Weight Increase: 5 lbs
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)
Only Useable By: Barbarian
Increased UMD Requirement: 40

Circlet of Logic 868 42 280 95760 gold

1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Diamond
3 Sapphire
1 Clarity (Scroll)

Enhancement Bonus: Intelligence +2
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Skill Bonus: Concentration +3
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 4
Bonus Spell Slot: Spellsword Level 5
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 4
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 5
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)
Only Usable By: Spellsword OR Wizard
Increased UMD Requirement: 20

Celebrant's Mask 1549 42 380 123324 gold 16th

3 Lady's Tear
1 Helmet (Mithral)
1 Rare Hardwood
5 Potion of Owl's Wisdom

Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Wisdom +2
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Shaman Level 4
Improved Saving Throws: Universal +1
Weight Reduction: 80% of Weight
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)
Only Usable By: Shaman
Increased UMD Requirement (25)
NOTE: Item is Repaired via Carpentry Kits

Greenseer's Masque 865 42 360 57156 gold 21st

Druid Art Crafter
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
5 Lady's Tear
2 King's Crown
1 Softwood
3 Emerald

Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Aberration: +4 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Construct: +4 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Undead: +4 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus: AC Natural Modifier +3 (AC Natural Modifier)
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Bonus Feat: Spell focus (Divination)
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +5
Skill Bonus: Concentration +3
Skill Bonus: Hide +1
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Skill Bonus: Move Silently +1
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Druid Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Favored Soul Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Paladin Level 4
Bonus Spell Slot: Ranger Level 3
Bonus Spell Slot: Shaman Level 6
Regeneration: +1
Use: One With The Land 1 Use/Day
Tier 3 Rune (Espruar)
Only Useable By: Chaotic Neutral OR Lawful Neutral OR Neutral Evil OR Neutral Good OR True Neutral
Only Useable By: Cleric OR Druid OR Favored Soul OR Ranger OR Shaman
Increased UMD Requirement: 40

Duergan Coronet 866 44 415 190393 gold 16th

Duergar Art Crafter
1 Dwarven Incantation
1 Mithral Dust
2 Ingot (Iron)
3 Ruby

Armor Bonus: +3 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Aberration +5 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Skill Bonus: Concentration +5
Skill Bonus: Discipline +2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Animal Empathy -5
Decreased Skill Modifer: Bluff -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Climb -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Disable Traps -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Hide -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Leadership -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Listen -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Move Silently -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Open Locks -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Parry -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Perform -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Ride -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Search -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Sleight of Hand -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Spot -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Tumble -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Use Magic Device -2
Decreased Skill Modifer: Use Traps -2
Spell Resistance: 18
Cast Spell: Clarity (3) 1 Use/Day
Tier 3 Rune (Dethrek)
Weight Increase: 10 lbs
Base (Hard) Strength 20+ Requirement

Carrion-Eaters Shroud 863 44 395 509762 gold 21st

Assassin OR Blackguard OR Palemaster OR Warlock OR Wizard Art Crafter
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
1 Ingot (Silver)
3 Blood of a Magic Creature
1 Ingot (Mithral)
3 Bone

Armor Bonus vs.: Undead +5 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 5% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus: Necromancy
Skill Bonus: Bluff +2
Skill Bonus: Concentration +1
Skill Bonus: Hide +1
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Skill Bonus: Move Silently +1
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Favored Soul Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Shaman Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer Level 6
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard Level 6
Use: Circle of Doom (20) Unlimited Uses/Day
Tier 3 Rune (Fiendish)
Only Useable By: Evil
Only Useable By: Cleric OR Favored Soul OR Shaman OR Sorcerer OR Wizard
Increased UMD Requirement: 40

Celestial Crown 877 44 378 121223 gold 21st

1 Royal Tourmaline
2 Ingot (Gold)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Ruby
1 Word of Faith (Scroll)

Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus Vs: Evil +4 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2
Skill Bonus: Leadership +2
Skill Bonus: Listen +1
Skill Bonus: Spot +1
Skill Bonus: Taunt +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Paladin Level 1
Bonus Spell Slot: Paladin Level 2
Bonus Spell Slot: Paladin Level 3
Use: Dismissal (18) 2 Uses/Day
Only Useable By: Good
Only Useable By: Divine Champion OR Harper Paragon OR Paladin OR Liberator
Tier 3 Rune (Celestial)
Increased UMD Requirement: 50

Headband of Protection 864 46 480 187967 gold 16th

1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Diamond
1 Ruby
1 Emerald

Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Spell Resistance: 26
Immunity: Damage Type : Force 5%
Immunity: Spells by Level (Level 1 or Lower)
Tier 3 Rune (Thorass)