Creating a Dragon on Arelith
Note: The PC Dragon race may only be selected by spending a Major Award!
Character Adjustments
PC Dragons may transform into Dragon shape by using the -polymorph console command.
Note that this is a superficial appearance change, and does not provide the benefits of the Dragon Shape Epic Feat.
The following bonuses can be applied by selecting the Gift of Subrace at character creation:
- +2 Str
- +2 Con
- +2 Cha
- Spell resistance: 11+Level (Capped at 32)
- 20/- cold resistance
- True Seeing
- Armor Skin epic feat
- Dragon Skin PrC feat
- +4 ECL
Note - the dragon is Silver by default. If you would like to play a different colour, contact Mithreas and to change your appearance and resistance to match your desired color.