Spell ID Acid Fog 0 Acid Splash 424 Acrobatic Mastery 1610 Aegis 1629 Aid 1 Alternate Shape Racial 1508 Alternate Shape Totem Shape 1507 Alternate Shape Were 1509 Amplify 442 Animate Dead 2 Antimagic Field 1587 ARArrowOfDeath 604 Arcane Bleed 1621 ARHailOfArrows 603 ARImbueArrow 600 ARSeekerArrow 601 ARSeekerArrow2 602 ARSentryArrow 980 AS Assassinate 1503 ASDarkness 606 ASEtheralVis 1560 ASGhostlyVisage 605 ASImprovedInvisibility 608 ASInvisibility 607 AURA BLINDING 195 Aura Cold 196 Aura Electricity 197 Aura Fear 198 Aura Fear Dragon 412 Aura Fire 199 Aura HorrificAppearance 804 Aura Menace 200 Aura Of Courage 314 Aura of Hellfire 761 Aura of Vitality 372 Aura Protection 201 Aura Stun 202 Aura Unearthly Visage 203 Aura Unnatural 204 Aura versus Alignment 323 AuraOfGlory 429 AuraOfGlory X2 562 Avascular Mass 1575 Awaken 363 Azer Fire Blast 801 BalagarnsIronHorn 436 BalefulPolymorph BAT 1370 BalefulPolymorph CHICKEN 1364 BalefulPolymorph COW 1366 BalefulPolymorph MOUSE 1368 BalefulPolymorph PENGUIN 1365 BalefulPolymorph SNAKE 1369 BalefulPolymorph TOAD 1367 Ball Lightning 516 Bane 449 Banishment 430 Banner 1628 BARBARIAN RAGE 307 Bard Nahal Reckless Dweomer 1529 Bards Song 411 Barkskin 3 Battle Boulder Toss 773 Battle Mastery Spell 380 Battletide 517 Bears Endurance 49 Bestow Curse 4 BG AURA DESPAIR 1728 BG CORRUPT WEAPON 1727 BGCreateDead 609 BGFiendish 610 BGInflictCritical 612 BGInflictSerious 611 Bigbys Clenched Fist 462 Bigbys Crushing Hand 463 Bigbys Disrupting Hand 1581 Bigbys Forceful Hand 460 Bigbys Grasping Hand 461 Bigbys Interposing Hand 459 BK BullsStrength 614 BK Contagion 613 Black Blade of Disaster 533 Blackstaff 541 Blade Barrier 5 Blade Thirst 535 Blasphemy 1566 Bless 6 Bless Weapon 537 Bless Weapon 7 Blindness and Deafness 8 Blood Frenzy 422 Bombardment 423 Bulls Strength 9 Burning Hands 10 Butterfly Spray 505 Call Lightning 11 Calm Emotions 12 Cambion 1531 Camoflage 421 Cats Grace 481 Cats Grace 13 Chain Lightning 14 Chaos Shield 1562 Charger 509 Charm Monster 15 Charm Person 16 Charm Person or Animal 17 Chosen Weapon 1637 Chromatic Orb 1573 Circle of Death 18 Circle of Doom 19 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance 20 Clarity 21 Cloak of Chaos 22 Cloud of Bewilderment 569 Cloudkill 23 Color Spray 24 Combust 518 Command 1733 Command Come 1736 Command Dance 1740 Command Fall 1734 Command Flee 1737 Command Kneel 1738 Command reserved 1741 Command Sit 1739 Command Stay 1735 Cone Acid 229 Cone Cold 230 Cone Disease 231 Cone Fire 232 Cone Lightning 233 Cone of Cold 25 Cone Poison 234 Cone Sonic 235 Confusion 26 Contagion 27 Continual Flame 419 Control Undead 28 Craft Armor 657 Craft Armor Component 743 CRAFT HARPER ITEM 479 Craft Weapon 656 Craft Weapon Component 742 Create Greater Undead 29 Create Undead 30 Creeping Doom 364 CripplingThrow 1620 Crumble 512 Crushing Despair 1567 Cure Critical Wounds 31 Cure Critical Wounds Others 567 Cure Light Wounds 32 Cure Minor Wounds 33 Cure Moderate Wounds 34 Cure Serious Wounds 35 Curse Song 644 Curse Weapon 1616 Daltims fiery Tentacles 1593 Dark Undertow 1683 Darkbolt 1595 Darkfire 548 Darkness 36 Daze 37 DC Divine Wrath 622 Deafening Clang 536 Death Armor 519 Death Ward 38 Debilitating Strike 1627 Decharger 510 DeckAvatar 503 Deflecting Force 774 Delayed Blast Fireball 39 Destruction 366 DETECT EVIL 1532 Detect Evil 312 Detect Poison 1592 Deterrence 1630 DI SpellClutch 1505 Dirge 445 DirtyFighting 2 1761 DirtyFighting Headbutt 1767 DirtyFighting LowBlow 1765 DirtyFighting NoseBreak 1766 DirtyFighting Pommel 1764 Disintegrate 1564 Dismissal 40 Dispel Magic 41 Displacement 458 Divine Favor 414 Divine Might 473 Divine Power 42 Divine Protection 382 Divine Shield 474 Divine Smite 1639 Divine Strength 381 Divine Trickery 384 Domain Power Air 1771 Domain Power Animal 1772 Domain Power Chaos 1801 Domain Power Cold 1782 Domain Power Darkness 1773 Domain Power Death 1774 Domain Power Destruction 1775 Domain Power Earth 1776 Domain Power Evil 1777 Domain Power Fire 1778 Domain Power Forge 1796 Domain Power Good 1779 Domain Power Healing 1780 Domain Power Illusion 1799 Domain Power Knowledge 1781 Domain Power Law 1802 Domain Power Luck 1803 Domain Power Magic 1784 Domain Power Mind 1800 Domain Power Moon 1795 Domain Power Ooze 1793 Domain Power Plant 1785 Domain Power Protection 1786 Domain Power Storm 1783 Domain Power Strength 1787 Domain Power Suffering 1797 Domain Power Sun 1788 Domain Power Travel 1789 Domain Power Trickery 1790 Domain Power Undeath 1794 Domain Power Vermin 1798 Domain Power War 1791 Domain Power Water 1792 Dominate Animal 43 Dominate Monster 44 Dominate Person 45 Doom 46 Dragon Knight 638 Dragon Shape 725 Dragon Wing Buffet 246 Drown 437 Druid Balance 1528 DWDEF Defensive Stance 641 DWDEF Defensive Stance Exit 1501 Eagle Splendor 482 Eagle Splendor 354 Earthquake 426 Electric Jolt 439 Elemental Shape 319 Elemental Shape AIR 400 Elemental Shape EARTH 399 Elemental Shape FIRE 397 Elemental Shape WATER 398 Elemental Strike 1703 Elemental Strike Acid 1706 Elemental Strike Cold 1704 Elemental Strike Electrical 1707 Elemental Strike Fire 1705 Elemental Strike Negative 1708 Elemental Strike Reserved 1710 Elemental Strike Reserved 1709 Elemental Swarm 48 Elemental Weapon 542 ElementalSummoningItem 502 Empty Body 311 Endure Elements 50 Energy Buffer 369 Energy Drain 51 Enervation 52 Entangle 53 Entropic Shield 418 Epic Blinding speed 647 Epic Mage Armor 639 Epic Second Wind 1624 Epic Warding 695 Ethereal Visage 121 Etherealness 724 Evards Black Tentacles 375 Evil Blight 566 Eviscerate 1622 Expeditious Retreat 456 Eye Bite 1578 Faerie Fire 1569 Fear 54 Feeblemind 55 Fence 1612 Find Traps 377 Finger of Agony 1583 Finger of Death 56 Fire Storm 57 Fireball 58 Firebrand 440 Flame Arrow 59 Flame Lash 60 Flame Shield 47 Flame Strike 61 Flameberry 618 Flare 416 Flesh to stone 485 Flying Debris 620 Foresight reserved 1596 Foxs Cunning 356 Freedom of Movement 62 Freeze 1584 Frost Nova 1732 Frost Shield 1633 Frostbite 1731 Gate 63 Gedlees Electric Loop 520 Ghostly Visage 120 Glacial Wrath 1576 Globe of Invulnerability 65 Glyph of Warding 549 GlyphOfWardingDefault 764 Good Hope 1568 GR SHADOW CON Acid Arrow 350 GR SHADOW CON Flame Arrow 1604 GR SHADOW CON Minor Globe 353 GR SHADOW CON Stoneskin 342 GR SHADOW CON Summon Shadow 324 GR SHADOW CON Web 352 GR SHADOW EVO Ball Lightning 1607 GR SHADOW EVO Bigbys interposing 1606 GR SHADOW EVO Ice Storm 1608 GR SHADOW EVO ShadowStorm 1605 GR Shadow Evocation 1598 Grease 66 Great Thunderclap 515 Greater Bulls Strength 360 Greater Cats Grace 361 Greater Dispelling 67 Greater Eagle Splendor 357 Greater Endurance 362 Greater Foxs Cunning 359 Greater Magic Fang 453 Greater Magic Weapon 545 Greater Magic Weapon 68 Greater Owls Wisdom 358 Greater Planar Binding 69 Greater Restoration 70 Greater Sanctuary 443 Greater Shadow Conjuration 158 Greater Spell Breach 72 Greater Spell Mantle 73 Greater Stoneskin 74 Greater Wild Shape 1 646 Greater Wild Shape 2 675 Greater Wild Shape 3 676 Greater Wild Shape 4 677 Greater Wild Shape Basilisk 670 Greater Wild Shape Beholder 671 Greater Wild Shape Blue dragon 708 Greater Wild Shape DireTiger 694 Greater Wild Shape Drider 673 Greater Wild Shape Gargoyle 678 Greater Wild Shape Green dragon 709 Greater Wild Shape Harpy 672 Greater Wild Shape Manticore 674 Greater Wild Shape Medusa 679 Greater Wild Shape Mindflayer 691 Greater Wild Shape Minotaur 680 Greater Wild Shape Red dragon 707 Greater Wild Shape Spikes 692 Greater Wild Shape Wyrmling Black 660 Greater Wild Shape Wyrmling Blue 659 Greater Wild Shape Wyrmling Green 662 Greater Wild Shape Wyrmling Red 658 Greater Wild Shape Wyrmling White 661 Guard 1559 Gust of Wind 75 GWildShape DriderDarkness 688 GWildShape Mindblast 693 GWildShape Stonegaze 687 Halt Undead 1565 Hammer of the Gods 76 Harm 77 Haste 78 Haste Slow X2 563 Heal 79 Healer Respite 1533 Healing Circle 80 Healing Sting 514 Hell Hound Firebreath 264 Hell Inferno 762 Hellball 636 Hemmorhage 1922 Hex 1615 Hex Worms 1617 Hold Animal 81 Hold Monster 82 Hold Person 83 Holy Aura 84 Holy Sword 538 Holy Sword 85 Horizikauls Boom 521 Horrid Wilting 367 Ice Dagger 543 Ice Storm 368 Iceberg 1585 Iceberry 617 Identify 86 Illithid Mindblast 789 Imbue Armor 1719 Imbue Armor Acid 1722 Imbue Armor Cold 1720 Imbue Armor Electrical 1723 Imbue Armor Fire 1721 Imbue Armor Negative 1724 Imbue Armor Reserved 1726 Imbue Armor Reserved 1725 Imbue Weapon 1711 Imbue Weapon Acid 1714 Imbue Weapon Cold 1712 Imbue Weapon Electrical 1715 Imbue Weapon Fire 1713 Imbue Weapon Magic 1717 Imbue Weapon Negative 1716 Imbue Weapon Reserved 1718 Implosion 87 Improved Acrobatic Mastery 1611 Improved Chaos Shield 1563 Improved Invisibility 88 Improved Whirlwind 645 Incendiary Cloud 89 Inferno 446 Infestation of Maggots 513 Inflict Critical Wounds 435 Inflict Light Wounds 432 Inflict Minor Wounds 431 Inflict Moderate Wounds 433 Inflict Serious Wounds 434 Intimidate 1634 Invisibility 483 Invisibility 90 Invisibility Purge 91 Invisibility Sphere 92 Ironguts 522 Irresistible Dance 1580 Isaacs Greater Missile Storm 448 Isaacs Lesser Missile Storm 447 Keen Edge 539 KiBarrier 1638 Knock 93 Kyristans malevolent Tentacles 1594 Lay On Hands 313 Legend Lore 376 Lesser Body Adjustment 277 Lesser Dispel 94 Lesser Mind Blank 95 Lesser Planar Binding 96 Lesser Restoration 97 Lesser Spell Breach 98 Lesser Spell Mantle 99 LichLyrics 616 Light 100 Lightning Bolt 101 Lightning Shield 1632 Mage Armor 102 Magic Circle against Alignment 322 Magic Circle against Chaos 103 Magic Circle against Evil 104 Magic Circle against Good 105 Magic Circle against Law 106 Magic Fang 452 Magic Missile 107 Magic Vestment 546 Magic Vestment 108 Magic Weapon 544 Magic Weapon 109 Manticore Spikes 498 Mass Blindness and Deafness 110 Mass Camoflage 455 Mass Charm 111 Mass Domination 112 Mass Haste 113 Mass Heal 114 Mass Hold Monster 1597 Maze 1570 Melfs Acid Arrow 115 Mephit Salt Breath 278 Mephit Steam Breath 279 Mestils Acid Breath 523 Mestils Acid Sheath 524 Meteor Swarm 116 Mighty Rage 642 Mind Blank 117 Mind Fog 118 Mindflayer Mindblast 10 713 Mindflayer Paragon Mindblast 714 Minor Globe of Invulnerability 119 Monstrous Regeneration 525 Moonbeam 1745 Mordenkainens Disjunction 122 Mordenkainens Sword 123 Mummy Bolster Undead 280 Mummy Dust 637 Nahal Reckless Dweomer 1561 Natures Balance 124 Negative Energy Burst 370 Negative Energy Protection 125 Negative Energy Ray 371 Negative Plane Avatar 383 Neutralize Poison 126 Nightmare 1579 Nightmare Smoke 819 One With The Land 420 Outsider Shape 732 Outsider Shape Azer 733 Outsider Shape DeathSlaad 735 Outsider Shape Rakshasa 734 Owls Insight 438 Owls Wisdom 355 Paladin Summon Mount 818 PDK Fear 808 PDK FinalStand 810 PDK InspireCourage 811 PDK OathOfWrath 809 PDK RallyingCry 806 PDK Shield 807 Phantasmal Killer 127 Planar Ally 451 Planar Binding 128 Planar Conduit 1635 PlanarTurning 643 PM Animate Dead 623 PM Deathless Master Touch 628 PM Summon Greater Undead 627 PM Summon Undead 624 PM Undead Graft1 625 PM Undead Graft2 626 Poison 129 Poison Weapon 655 Polymorph GIANT SPIDER 387 Polymorph PIXIE 390 Polymorph Self 130 Polymorph TROLL 388 Polymorph UMBER HULK 389 Polymorph ZOMBIE 391 Power Word Kill 131 Power Word Stun 132 PowerStone 507 Prayer 1534 Prayer 133 PrayerBox 619 Premonition 134 Prismatic Spray 135 Project Image Clone 1549 Protection from Alignment 321 Protection from Chaos 136 Protection from Elements 137 Protection from Evil 138 Protection from Good 139 Protection from Law 140 Protection from Spells 141 Psionic Inertial Barrier 741 Quivering Palm 310 RA CreateArrow 1504 Rage 3 299 Rage 4 300 Rage 5 301 Raise Dead 142 Ray of Enfeeblement 143 Ray of Frost 144 RedDragonDiscipleBreath 690 Regenerate 374 Remove Blindness and Deafness 145 Remove Curse 146 Remove Disease 316 Remove Disease 147 Remove Fear 148 Remove Paralysis 149 Resist Elements 150 Resistance 151 Restoration 152 Restoration Others 568 Resurrection 153 RodOfWonder 499 Rogues Cunning 385 Ruin 640 Sacred Flame 1730 Safeguard 1631 Sanctuary 154 Scare 155 Scintillating Pattern 1577 Scintillating Sphere 526 Scorching Ray 1572 SeaHag EvilEye 803 Searing Light 156 Second Wind 1623 See Invisibility 157 SHADES Cone of Cold 340 SHADES Fireball 341 Shadow Attack 769 SHADOW CON Darkness 345 SHADOW CON Ghostly Visage 351 SHADOW CON GREASE 1599 SHADOW CON Inivsibility 346 SHADOW CON Mage Armor 347 SHADOW CON Magic Missile 348 SHADOW CON Mest Acid Breath 1600 SHADOW CON Summon Shadow 349 SHADOW CON Summon Shadow 344 Shadow Conjuration 159 SHADOW DAZE 475 Shadow Displacement 1618 SHADOW EVADE 477 SHADOW EVO Elemental Shield 1602 SHADOW EVO Gust of Wind 1603 SHADOW EVO Shadowbolt 1601 SHADOW EVO Wall of Fire 343 Shadow Evocation 71 Shadow Plague 1609 Shadow Shield 160 ShadowBlend 757 Shapechange 161 Shapechange BALOR 394 Shapechange DEATH SLAAD 395 Shapechange FIRE GIANT 393 Shapechange IRON GOLEM 396 Shapechange RED DRAGON 392 Shelgarns Persistent Blade 534 Shield 417 Shield of Faith 450 Shield of Law 162 Silence 163 Slay Living 164 Sleep 480 Sleep 165 Slow 166 Smite Evil 315 Sound Burst 167 Sound Lance 1582 SPELL BALEFUL POLYMORPH 1853 SPELL BESTOW WOUND 1921 SPELL BLACKFIRE 1858 SPELL BLADES OF FIRE 1855 SPELL BLOOD HOMUNCULUS 1876 SPELL BLUR 1850 SPELL CHILL TOUCH 1869 SPELL CHROMATIC ORB GREATER 1871 SPELL CRIMSON LIGHTNING 1908 SPELL CURSE STORM 1928 SPELL CURSED LIGHTNING SPHERE 1906 SPELL DARK INVOCATION ELD VEIL 1696 SPELL DARK INVOCATION FORESTALL 1695 SPELL DARK INVOCATION GATE 1693 SPELL DARK INVOCATION RESERVED 1 1697 SPELL DARK INVOCATION RESERVED 2 1698 SPELL DARK INVOCATION RESERVED 3 1699 SPELL DARK INVOCATION RESERVED 4 1700 SPELL DARK INVOCATION SAGE TONGUE 1694 SPELL DEHYDRATE 1854 SPELL DIRGE AWAKENING 1755 SPELL DIRGE DAMNATION 1754 SPELL DIRGE HARVEST 1752 SPELL DIRGE REPRISAL 1753 SPELL DIRGE TERROR 1756 SPELL DIRGE WOE 1751 SPELL EAGLE SIGHT 1878 SPELL ECHO 1757 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 1690 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 1 1684 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 2 1685 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 3 1686 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 4 1687 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 5 1688 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON 6 1689 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON EPIC 1692 SPELL ELDRITCH SUMMON GREATER 1691 SPELL ELEMENTAL ANNIHILATION 1836 SPELL ELEMENTAL HAMMER 1835 SPELL ELEMENTAL SAVANT 1832 SPELL EPIC ELEMENTAL METEOR 1920 SPELL EPIC VAMPIRIC FEAST 1925 SPELL FALSE LIFE 1852 SPELL FRIGID DARKNESS 1861 SPELL GREATER MAGE ARMOR 1873 SPELL GRIM TERROR 1924 SPELL HEMORRHAGE 1922 SPELL HOSTILIZER 1909 SPELL LIFE TRANSFERENCE 1856 SPELL LIFE TRANSFERENCE GREATER 1857 SPELL MACABRE EULOGY 1758 Spell Mantle 169 SPELL MASS HARM 1866 SPELL MASS ZOO BEAR 902 SPELL MASS ZOO BULL 900 SPELL MASS ZOO CAT 901 SPELL MASS ZOO EAGLE 905 SPELL MASS ZOO FOX 903 SPELL MASS ZOO OWL 904 SPELL MASSACRE 1833 SPELL MISERICORDE 1759 SPELL NEGATIVE ENERGY FLOOD 1874 SPELL PACIFYING BONDS 1877 SPELL PACT ABYSSAL 1 1656 SPELL PACT ABYSSAL 2 1657 SPELL PACT ABYSSAL 3 1658 SPELL PACT FEY 1 1659 SPELL PACT FEY 2 1660 SPELL PACT FEY 3 1661 SPELL PACT HAG 1 1662 SPELL PACT HAG 2 1663 SPELL PACT HAG 3 1664 SPELL PACT INFERNAL 1 1665 SPELL PACT INFERNAL 2 1666 SPELL PACT INFERNAL 3 1667 SPELL PACT KRAKEN 1 1668 SPELL PACT KRAKEN 2 1669 SPELL PACT KRAKEN 3 1670 SPELL PACT STAR 1 1671 SPELL PACT STAR 2 1672 SPELL PACT STAR 3 1673 SPELL PACT UNDYING 1 1674 SPELL PACT UNDYING 2 1675 SPELL PACT UNDYING 3 1676 SPELL PHANTOM WOUND 1880 SPELL PHANTOM WOUND MASS 1881 SPELL POWER WORD BLEED 1867 SPELL POWER WORD BLIND 1872 SPELL PREDATOR 1926 SPELL RED HARVEST 1831 SPELL REDBOLT 1927 Spell Resistance 168 SPELL SERENE VISAGE 1862 SPELL SOLIPSISM 1879 SPELL SOUL SCOUR 1923 SPELL SOUL SHRIEK 1834 SPELL SPIDER SKIN 1851 SPELL SPINAL TAP 1865 SPELL STOP HEART 1868 SPELL STRANGULATE 1864 SPELL SUSTAIN 1859 SPELL VENGEFOUL MOUNT 1870 SPELL VERMILION STARS 1907 SPELL VICIOUS MOCKERY 1860 SPELL WITHERING RAY 1863 SPELL WRAITH STRIDE 1875 Spellstaff 508 Sphere of Chaos 170 Sphere Spell 782 Spike Growth 454 Spiral Fireball 772 Spirited Charge 1613 Sprint 1626 Stinking Cloud 171 Stone Bones 527 Stone to flesh 486 Stonehold 547 Stoneskin 172 Storm of Vengeance 173 Summon Animal Companion 317 Summon Baatezu 701 Summon Celestial 379 Summon Creature I 174 Summon Creature II 175 Summon Creature III 176 Summon Creature IV 177 Summon Creature IX 178 Summon Creature V 179 Summon Creature VI 180 Summon Creature VII 181 Summon Creature VIII 182 Summon Familiar 318 Summon Mephit 378 SUMMON SHADOW 476 Summon Shadow X2 564 Summon Slaad 303 Summon Special Warhorse 1625 Summon Tanarri 304 Summon Warhorse 1614 SummonTool 1502 Sunbeam 183 Sunburst 427 Sunfire 1744 Sustenance 1742 Tashas Hideous Laughter 457 Tensers Transformation 184 Tide of Battle 565 Time Stop 185 Touch Petrify 496 Track 1535 Tranmutation Lens 1550 Transmutation Create 1551 Trap Arrow 487 Trap Bolt 488 Trap Bolt Huge 1619 Trap Dart 493 Trap Shuriken 494 Troglodyte Stench 805 True Seeing 186 True Strike 415 Trumpet Blast 305 Turn Undead 308 Twinfists 615 TYMORAS SMILE 478 Tyrant Fog Mist 306 Ultravision 365 Undead shape 685 Undead Shape risen lord 704 Undead Shape Spectre 706 Undead Shape Vampire 705 UndeadSelfHarm 759 Undeath to Death 528 Undeaths Eternal Foe 444 Unholy Aura 187 Vampire Bat 1523 Vampire Bite 1525 Vampire DominationGaze 800 Vampire Feed 1526 Vampire Invisibility 799 Vampire Menu 1522 Vampire Offer 1527 Vampire Wolf 1524 Vampiric Touch 188 Vine Mine 529 Vine Mine Camouflage 532 Vine Mine Entangle 530 Vine Mine Hamper Movement 531 Virtue 189 Vitriolic Sphere 1743 Wail of the Banshee 190 Wall of Fire 191 Wall of Ice 1571 War Cry 373 Ward 1547 Ward Menu 1546 Ward teleport 1548 WARLOCK ELDRITCH BLAST 1640 WARLOCK ELDRITCH CHAIN 1646 WARLOCK ELDRITCH DOOM 1 1643 WARLOCK ELDRITCH DOOM 2 1644 WARLOCK ELDRITCH SPEAR 1645 WARLOCK ELEMENT ACID 1649 WARLOCK ELEMENT COLD 1647 WARLOCK ELEMENT ELECTRICAL 1651 WARLOCK ELEMENT ENTROPY 1701 WARLOCK ELEMENT FIRE 1648 WARLOCK ELEMENT MAGIC 1654 WARLOCK ELEMENT NEGATIVE 1652 WARLOCK ELEMENT POSITIVE 1653 WARLOCK ELEMENT PSYCHIC 1702 WARLOCK ELEMENT SONIC 1650 WARLOCK EYEGLOW 1655 Warlock Fey 1536 Warlock Fiend 1537 WARLOCK HIDEOUS BLOW 1 1641 WARLOCK HIDEOUS BLOW 2 1642 Water Breathing 1636 Web 192 Weird 193 Whirlwind 561 Wholeness of Body 309 Wild Shape 320 Wild Shape BADGER 405 Wild Shape BOAR 404 Wild Shape BROWN BEAR 401 Wild Shape PANTHER 402 Wild Shape WOLF 403 Word of Faith 194 Wounding Whispers 441 Wrathful Castigation 1574