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Template:Crafting: Helmet: Smithing

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 06:25, 3 January 2022 by Zanithar (talk | contribs)
Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Helmet (Bronze) 447 21 10 1337 gold 1st 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Helmet (Iron) 446 23 42 5304 gold 1st 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Helmet (Steel) 448 24 77 9687 gold 1st 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Helmet (Mithril) 776 33 219 27420 gold 1st 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Mithril)
Armor Bonus: +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Improved Saving Throws: Universal +1
Weight Reduction: 80% of Weight (1.6 lbs)
Helmet (Adamantine) 468 32 192 24123 gold 1st 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Armor Bonus: +3 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Helm of the Villain 513 24 68 8520 gold 1st

2 Horn of a magical creature
1 Ingot (Brass)
1 Helmet (Steel)

Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Deflection Modifier
Armor Bonus vs.: Good +2 (AC Deflection Modifier
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Skill Bonus: Bluff +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +1
Skill Bonus: Leadership +1
Skill Bonus: Perform +2
Skill Bonus: Taunt +1
Only Useable by: Evil

Helmet of the Warrior 516 24 70 8823 gold 1st

2 Ingot (Brass)
1 Helmet (Steel)

Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Bonus Feat: Darkvision Skill Bonus: Discipline +2
Spell Resistance: 16
Tier 1 Rune (Thorass)

Helm of Keen Senses 512 24 79 9925 gold 1st

2 Ingot (Silver)
1 Helmet (Steel)

Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Fey +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Outsider +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Shapechanger +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Undead +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Skill Bonus: Listen +2
Skill Bonus: Search +2
Skill Bonus: Spot +2
Tier 1 Rune (Thorass)

Helm of the Hero 515 25 84 59292 gold 1st

1 Ingot (Gold)
1 Helmet (Steel)

Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Evil +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Skill Bonus: Bluff +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +1
Skill Bonus: Leadership +1
Skill Bonus: Perform +2
Skill Bonus: Taunt +1
Bonus Spell Slot: Paladin Level 1

Helm of the Stag 514 34 240 120784 gold 1st

2 Horn of a magical creature
1 Helmet (Steel)

Armor Bonus: +1 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Animal +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Beast +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Magical Beast +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Armor Bonus vs.: Vermin +2 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 10% Immunity Bonus
Enhancement Bonus: Constitution +1
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +1
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +3
Skill Bonus: Discipline +1
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2
Bonus Spell Slot: Ranger Level 1