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Revision as of 01:30, 21 June 2011 by Fireboar (talk | contribs)

Based on the {{{Type}}} given, this template will accept a variety of different parameters. The following is a complete list of the item properties available in NWN and supported by this template, together with the parameters available for that Type.

Type Output Optional Parameters (with example)
Ability Enhancement Bonus: {{{Ability}}} +{{{Amount}}}
Armor Armor Bonus: +{{{Amount}}} Versus=Evil - Armor Bonus vs. Evil
ArmorType=Deflection - Deflection Modifier
Enhancement Enhancement Bonus: +{{{Amount}}} Versus=Evil - Enhancement Bonus vs. Evil
AttackPenalty Enhancement Penalty: -{{{Amount}}}
WeightReduction Weight Reduction: {{{Amount}}}% of Weight
BonusFeat Bonus Feat: {{{Feat}}}
BonusSpellSlot Bonus Spell Slot: {{{Class}}} Level {{{Level}}}
CastSpell Use: {{{Spell}}}
Damage Damage Bonus: +{{{Amount}}} Damage
DamageImmunity Damage Immunity: {{{DamageType}}} {{{Amount}}}%
DamagePenalty Damage Penalty: -{{{Amount}}}
DamageResist Damage Resistance: {{{DamageType}}} {{{Amount}}}/-
DamageVulnerability Damage Vulnerability: {{{DamageType}}} {{{Amount}}}%
Darkvision Darkvision
DecreaseAbilityScore Ability Score Penalty: {{{Ability}}} -{{{Amount}}}
DecreaseAC Decreased AC: -{{{Amount}}} ArmorType=Shield - Decreased AC: Shield Modifier
DecreaseSkill Decreased Skill Modifier: {{{Skill}}} -{{{Amount}}}
EnhancedContainerWeight Reduced Container Weight: Content Weight: -{{{Amount}}}%
DamageMelee Extra Melee Damage: {{{DamageType}}}
DamageRanged Extra Ranged Damage: {{{DamageType}}}
Haste Haste
HolyAvenger Holy Avenger
Immunity Immunity: {{{ImmunityType}}}
ImprovedEvasion Improved Evasion
ImprovedMagicResist Spell Resistance: {{{Amount}}}
ImprovedSavingThrows Improved Saving Throws: {{{SaveType}}} +{{{Amount}}}
Keen Keen
Light Light {{{LightType}}}
Mighty Mighty +{{{Amount}}}
MindBlank Mind Blank
NoDamage No Damage
OnHit On Hit: {{{Effect}}} DC={{{DC}}}
ReducedSavingThrows Reduced Saving Throws: {{{SaveType}}} -{{{Amount}}}
Regeneration Regeneration: +{{{Amount}}}
Skill Skill Bonus: {{{Skill}}} +{{{Amount}}}
SpellImmunity Spell Immunity: {{{Spell}}}
SpellSchoolImmunity Spell School Immunity: {{{SpellSchool}}}
ThievesTools Thieves' Tools: +{{{Amount}}}
AttackBonus Attack Bonus: +{{{Amount}}} Versus=Good - Attack Bonus vs. Good
ToHitPenalty Attack Penalty: -{{{Amount}}}
UnlimitedAmmo Unlimited Ammo: Ammo: Basic {{{AmmoType}}}
UseLimitation Only Useable By: {{{Whom}}}
VampiricRegeneration Vampiric Regeneration: +{{{Amount}}}
Vorpal Vorpal Blade
Wounding Wounding
Trap Trap Type: {{{TrapType}}}
TrueSeeing True Seeing
OnMonsterHit Monster Hit Ability: {{{Ability}}}
TurnResistance Turn Resistance: +{{{Amount}}}
MassiveCriticals Massive Criticals: +{{{Amount}}} Damage
Freedom Freedom
Poison Poison: {{{PoisonType}}}
MonsterDamage Monster Damage: {{{Amount}}} Damage
ImmunityToSpellByLevel Immunity to Spell by Level: Level {{{Level}}} or Lower
HealersKit Healer's Kit +{{{Amount}}}
OnHitCastSpell On Hit: Cast Spell: {{{Spell}}} Level {{{Level}}}
VisualEffect On Hit: {{{VFX}}}
ArcaneSpellFailure Arcane Spell Failure: {{{Amount}}}%