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Dispel Tables

From Arelith Wiki

This section will hold some sample visual representations with respect to how dispel interacts with a target.

Mechanically when a character is the target of a dispel (Generally a Lesser Dispel, Dispel Magic, Greater Dispelling or Mordekainen's Disjunction), each magical effect on the character is tested and if it fails the dispel check it is removed.

Caster level 27 Dispel Tables

This is a representation of a standard character with Caster level 22->27 (Caster) casting a dispel on a character with Caster level 27 (Target). Each Dispel spell has a cap (maximium applied) caster level value. There are a variety of modifiers that can be applied to adjust the Caster and Target effective Caster level.

NOTE: For each Caster Level below 27 that the Target is, the percentage chance of the target being dispelled is increased by 5%. (Where the Target Total exceeds the Caster Total)
Example: A Target with a Caster Level of 21 and no Arcane Defence: Abjuration will have a 65% chance of each magical effect being dispelled by a 27 Caster Level ESF: Abjuration caster using Greater Dispelling or Mordenkainen's Disjunction.

Caster: No modifiers, Target: No modifiers

1d20 + dispel's caster level vs. 12 + creator's effective level.
Spell Caster Level or Max Cap Modifiers Total Offensive Range Creator Effective Level Modifiers Total Defense Dispel Chance
(per effect)
Lesser Dispel +5 (Max) +0 6 - 25 +27 +0 39 0%
Dispel Magic +10 (Max) +0 11 - 30 +27 +0 39 0%
Greater Dispelling +22 (Max) +0 23 - 42 +27 +0 39 15%
Mordenkainen's Disjunction +22 (Max) +0 23 - 42 +27 +0 39 15%

Caster: Epic Spell Focus - Abjuration (+4 CL), Target: No modifiers

1d20 + dispel's caster level vs. 12 + creator's effective level.
Spell Caster Level or Max Cap Modifiers Total Offensive Range Creator Effective Level Modifiers Total Defense Dispel Chance
(per effect)
Lesser Dispel +5 (Max) +4 10 - 29 +27 +0 39 0%
Dispel Magic +10 (Max) +4 15 - 34 +27 +0 39 0%
Greater Dispelling +22 (Max) +4 27 - 46 +27 +0 39
Mordenkainen's Disjunction +22 (Max) +4 27 - 46 +27 +0 39

Caster: No modifiers, Target: Arcane Defence - Abjuration (+2 CL)

1d20 + dispel's caster level vs. 12 + creator's effective level.
Spell Caster Level or Max Cap Modifiers Total Offensive Range Creator Effective Level Modifiers Total Defense Dispel Chance
(per effect)
Lesser Dispel +5 (Max) +0 6 - 25 +27 +2 41 0%
Dispel Magic +10 (Max) +0 11 - 30 +27 +2 41 0%
Greater Dispelling +22 (Max) +0 23 - 42 +27 +2 41 5%
Mordenkainen's Disjunction +22 (Max) +0 23 - 42 +27 +2 41 5%

Caster: Epic Spell Focus - Abjuration (+4 CL), Target: Arcane Defence - Abjuration (+2 CL)

1d20 + dispel's caster level vs. 12 + creator's effective level.
Spell Caster Level or Max Cap Modifiers Total Offensive Range Creator Effective Level Modifiers Total Defense Dispel Chance
(per effect)
Lesser Dispel +5 (Max) +4 10 - 29 +27 +2 41 0%
Dispel Magic +10 (Max) +4 15 - 34 +27 +2 41 0%
Greater Dispelling +22 (Max) +4 27 - 46 +27 +2 41 25%
Mordenkainen's Disjunction +22 (Max) +4 27 - 46 +27 +2 41 25%