- Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden
- Faerûnian Intermediate Powers: Beshaba | Gond | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Selune | Tymora | Umberlee | Auppenser | Leira | Tharizdun
Aliases: | {{{Deity Aliases}}} |
Gender: | {{{Deity Gender}}} |
Demonym: | {{{Deity Demonym}}} |
Power Level: | Intermediate deity |
Symbol: | Pair of female eyes surrounded by seven silver stars |
Alignment: | Chaotic good |
Portfolio: | Good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers |
Worshipers: | Female spellcasters, good and neutral lycanthropes, navigators, monks (Sun Soul), sailors, paladins (Order of the Crescent Moon) |
Domains: | Chaos[1], Good, Moon[1], Protection, Travel |
Arelith worshippers' alignments[2]: | NG, CG, CN |
Aspects: | {{{Deity Aspect1}}}, {{{Deity Aspect2}}} |