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Aura of Tyrantfog

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 23:21, 11 August 2022 by Zanithar (talk | contribs)
Range: personal
Area of Effect / Target: large (5 meter radius)
Duration: 100 hours
Save(s): Fortitude
Spell Resistance: No

Description: The creature is surrounded by noxious fumes. Enemies entering the area of effect take (caster HS/3)d2 Poison damage each tic and a failed fortitude save (DC 5 + caster's HD) will result in a 6 second daze.


  • Poison or Disease immunity prevents both the damage and the Daze.
  • Does not overlay with other Aura of Tyrantfog effects in the vicinity (meaning only one will apply once).


  • None