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Class Spell Changes

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Spell changes organized by class.


Sorcerer, Wizard.


Daze: Works against any creature with hit dice less than or equal to the caster's class level.

First Circle

Grease: Affected by Persistent Area spells changes. Has no spell resistance check.
Protection From alignment: Gives +5 Saving Throw Bonus vs Mind Affecting Spells and Spell Like Abilities, instead of full immunity.
Shield: Protects against Lesser and Greater Missile Storm with Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration.
Sleep: Works with any target with equal/lower level than caster's class level and affects (caster level + 1d4) hit dice worth of creatures. Empower Spell increases affected hit dice by 50%.
Summon Creature I (to IX): Will summon creature one tier higher with Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration.

Second Circle

Cloud of Bewilderment: Affected by Persistent Area spell changes.
Continual Flame: Lasts 24 hours.
Darkness: Non-hostile spell (does not anger friendly NPCs).
Death Armor: Replaces any other "backlash" armor spell.
Flame Weapon: Lasts Turns/level. Damage caps at CL 10. Replaces other weapon buff spells, does not work with enchanted weapons.
Invisibility: Lasts Rounds/level.
Knock: Cannot open doors, only containers.
Lesser Dispel: Each Abjuration foci increases dispel's power by +2 over the cap.
Web: Affected by Persistent Area spell changes. No spell resistance check.

Third Circle

Dispel Magic: Each Abjuration foci increases dispel's power by +2 over the cap.
Find Traps: Reveals traps, does not disarm them.
Greater Magic Weapon: Lasts Hours/3 levels. Replaces other weapon buff spells, does not work with enchanted weapons.
Gust of Winds: Opens doors.
Invisibility Sphere: Lasts Rounds/level
Keen Edge: Replaces other weapon buff spells, does not work with enchanted weapons.
Stinking Cloud: Affected by Persistent Area spells changes. Has no spell resistance check.

Fourth Circle

Elemental Shield: Replaces any other "backlash" armor spell.
Improved Invisibility: Invisibility lasts Rounds/level. Concealment effect is still Turns/level.
Phantasmal Killer: Fears target for Rounds/level on failed will save. A target that fails their fortitude save still dies.
Summon Shadow: Gains +1 AB, +1 AC, and +12 hit points per Illusion Focus.
Shadow Conjuration: Mage armor: Does not stack with itself or other mage armors.
Shadow Conjuration: Changed school to Illusion.
Wall of Fire: Damage increased to 2d6 + 1 per caster level, with no saving throw. Deals double damage to undead.

Fifth Circle

Animate Dead: Is affected by the Undead Summoning changes.
Bigby's Interposing Hand:: Has a reflex save.
Cloudkill: Affected by Persistent Area spell changes. Has no spell resistance check. Deals 1d4+1 CON damage per round to all creatures in the area of effect (fortitude save for half).
Dismissal: Also blocks all new summoning in the area for 30 seconds.
Dominate Person: Duration changed to 2 Turns+Turns/3 levels. Additionally effects orcs, monstrous humanoid, goblinoid, and reptilian humanoids.
Greater Shadow Conjuration: Changed School to Illusion.
Lesser Plannar Binding: Creatures are slightly stronger with each Conjuration Focus.
Mestil's Acid Sheath: Replaces any other "backlash" armor spell.
Mindfog: Affected by Persistent Area spell changes. All creatures in the area of effect take a 2d6 will save penalty (will save for half) and are dazed for 1 round (will save negates).

Sixth Circle

Acid Fog: Affected by Persistent Area spell changes. Applies a 75% movement speed penalty with no save and -2 to AB and damage rolls for all creatures within the area of effect. Has no spell resistance check.
Bigby's Forceful Hand: Has a reflex save.
Flesh to Stone: Duration changed to Turns/2 Levels.
Greater Dispelling: Caps at level 20. Each Abjuration foci increases dispel's power by +2 over the cap.
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm: Cannot strike one target with more than ten missiles. This limits it to only producing ten missiles if only one viable target is present upon casting.
Planar Binding: Creatures are slightly stronger with each Conjuration Focus.
Shades: Changed school to Illusion.
True Seeing: Duration changed to Rounds/level.

Seventh Circle

Banishment: Also blocks all new summoning in the area for 60 seconds.
Bigby's Grasping Hand: Has a reflex save.
Mordenkainen's Sword: Duration increased to Turns/level.
Prismatic Spray: Wild Mages roll twice for the effect table.

Eighth Circle

Blackstaff: Also works with magic staves and dire maces. Works with magic weapons and stacks with other weapon buff spells.
Create Undead: Is affected by the Undead Summoning changes.
Greater Planar Binding: Creatures are slightly stronger with each Conjuration Focus.
Greater Sanctuary: Lasts Rounds/4 levels and it has a cooldown timer of 240 seconds.
Incendiary Cloud: Affected by Persistent Area spell changes. Damage increased to 4d6 + 1d6 per 2 levels (reflex save for half damage), and creatures within the area of effect are blinded (no save)

Ninth Circle

Bigby's Crushing Hand: Has a reflex save.
Mordenkainen's Disjunction: Caps at level 20. Each Abjuration foci increases dispel's power by +2 over the cap.
Timestop: Only affects the area in which it is cast. Also has a cooldown timer 240 seconds.
Weird: Fears targets for Rounds/level on a failed will save. Targets that fail their fortitude saves still die.



bard pending!