Slavery - how to play it in game
Slavery is an important part of the Underdark culture and economy, and as such, people are welcome to play slavers and slaves on Arelith. However, in the interests of keeping the environment consistent and immerse, we expect people RPing slaves to actually RP like slaves. This includes:
- Not owning things. Your master owns all your stuff. You shouldn't be carrying valuable/powerful items around. A character becoming a slave should expect to lose all they own (as a player, emptying your inventory can be oddly liberating).
- Not throwing your weight around. If you're a slave, act like one. No threatening others etc.
The DMs will be keeping a close eye on the RP of slaves and will be free in giving feedback, possibly with lower RPBs, where RP is detrimental to the setting. And conversely, if you're playing your slave well, giving up your property, showing weakness etc, you can expect to be rewarded with a higher RPB. Just be careful about leveling too quickly off it and outpacing your captors Wink
To be clear - this is not a new rule. This is us being serious about enforcing Rule One. It's getting silly down there, and that's going to stop.