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Portraits and voices

From Arelith Wiki

Arelith doesn't use any hackpacks or extensions that would have to be downloaded outside official NWN updates. Usage of portrait packs and custom portraits is still possible, yet not encouraged. Other players, who will not have the same download, will see for your portrait either white square (on logging list) or the generic shadow-face. Even though the server does not use hakpacks, these are officially called "hakpacks" because they do change a setting in the game.

Jjjerm: "Make sure that you ONLY get the portraits and voices that are in game and unused, or no one will hear you or see your picture. Then you'll be the coolest kid no one can hear or see. Which, retrospectively, isn't really very cool."

Usage of non-standard heads or other haks that would make your character or its parts invisible to other players is not allowed.

Unlocking portraits and voices of NPCs

These portraits and voices are already included in every NWN game. They are just not available for selection when creating new character.

1.) Download some of the overrides from NWvault. Either search it for "sound override" and "portrait override", or you can use some of following:

169 Portrait and Soundset Unlocker 2da's (for SoU+HotU) - the latest .2da files for 1.69 Portraits & Voicesets
All Voicesets HotU
HotU Portrait Unlocker
All of the Portraits & Voicesets Unlocked

2.) Put them inside your override folder.

3.) Create new character and enjoy the extended selection.

Note: Some portraits and voices can be available just for creation of specific characters. For example some could be visible just when you are creating male or female character. The simple trick is to start creating character of opposite gender, and once you select the desired portrait/voice, you return back to change the gender. The more complicated approach is to find different overide or edit those files yourself.

Custom portraits

Usage of custom portraits is possible on Arelith.

Players can download any portrait overrides from places such a the NWVault. However, if those custom portrait from the internet were not included with the original NWN game, other players will likely not see them. Only player who downloaded them and whoever else may have that same portrait downloaded somewhere in their own files would see it. The rest of players rest will see it as a white box in the player list, and the standard vague hooded male or female portrait when meeting the character.

It is possible to post links to them on forums, or custom pictures of your ideas how characters really look like on the Art Board. The avatar and portrait in game are not necessarily what your character looks like! Use your imagination, fill in the description, emote the appearance, post descriptions or pics on the forum, etc.

How to change your Character Portrait after character creation (A Guide by LittleWeasel)

Has anyone of you ever had it happen, that you create your character, you play it and you realize, the portrait breaks your own immersion so badly, that you can't stand to look at it because it just doesn't fit your character anymore?

If you are anything like me, then the character portrait is a huge source of inspiration for me and I have stopped playing characters because I couldn't stand their looks anymore. However, as of today, I found a way to chance my character portrait! Follow those 8 steps and you will be able to see your character after your own heart's desire:

Keep in Mind: You will be the only one seeing that character change. Everyone else will still see what they always saw: If they saw your old portrait, then they will continue to see your old portrait. If they saw something completely different, because they have either no portraits apart from NWN Standard ones (Yes, I know, some of us are purists in that regard Wink ), or different portraits in their folder than you do, they see whatever they saw before you changed it. For other players, it makes no difference. It doesn't affect the server, it doesn't affect anyone else but your very own gaming experience!!!

                        Instructions on how to change your portrait

First Step:

Log into your character and open up your "options" menu (hit 'O'), then "Save your Character". This will export your character into your NWN folder's local vault. Exit NWN.

Second Step:

You will need to install a LETO Programme (click for link to the vault, for download) Install it according to their instructions.

Third Step:

Once the LETO Program is installed, open it with the little shortcut on your desktop. It will prompt you to browse for a file - you now have to find your character: NWN - localvault - charactername.bic open that file. Inside that LETO Program, click on Appearance - it probably won't show you your actual portrait you are using right now, but it shows you your portrait name. Write it down (case sensitive).


Fourth Step:

If you already know which portrait you like to use, remember its name and continue with step SIX. If you do not have a portrait, but a JPG file you would like to use and want to convert it into a portrait, continue with step FIVE.

Fifth Step - creating a new portrait:

Take your wanted .jpg file and give it a super easy name (characterfirstname) - remember, everything is Case Sensitive, so I personally would just stick to lower case.

Follow these steps:

       - Place a .JPG into your "/portraits/" directory where you installed NWN (i.e. C:\NeverwinterNights\portraits\Mypic.jpg). 
         If there isn't a folder called portraits, create one.
       - Start NWN and either start a new game or load a saved one (important: SINGLE PLAYER!).
       - Start the console by hitting the tilde key ("~")in the upper left hand corner.
       - Type "Conv" and then Tab which will auto complete the command "ConvertPortrait" (remember, commands are CaSe SeNsItIvE)
       - Add to that the name of your image. For example "mypic", don't add the extension.
         This will automatically create all the different files needed.

Sixth Step:

You remember having written down the original portrait name? Go into your NWN Portrait folder and - if you have as many portraits as myself - hit the search function to find that original unwanted portrait. Rename those 5 files that pop up. (add a number or whatever to it, just rename it but remember its original name, including the CaSe sEnSiViTy!) Retain the 5 end letters of the portraits H, L, M, S, and T !!!

Seventh Step:

Use the search function again - we are still in the portrait folder - and search for your wanted portrait, or your freshly created portrait. 5 files should pop up, each having your new name, including those H, L, M, S, and T, at the end.

Eighth Step:

Rename those five files to the original (unwanted) portrait name - retaining those last letters !!!

Exit everything, start up your Arelith game and e voila - you have a wonderful new portrait...

If you want others to see your portrait, take those five files, zip them up and send them to whomever you'd like to see your nifty new little portrait ;) If you don't care about how the others see your character, don't share

Additional Information

Shortcut as adviced by Fireboar: if you don't want to export the character and install Leto, our website does maintain a complete list of standard NWN portraits. [1] (Warning: many images, may take a while to load) Just check that link and find your portrait - the text accompanying the picture is the same as what you would get from Leto. Another method to forgo Leto: after exporting your character, open your character's .bic file in a plain text editor such as Notepad. Most of the text is unreadable, binary gunk, but hit Ctrl+F and search for "po_" (without quotes) and you should find the portrait name in readable plain text.

However, LW says to keep this also in mind: FB's shortcut only works if you have only and exclusively the NWN Standard Portraits in your folder and in your useage and not downloaded the many portrait packs available in the vault - I have over 3000 portraits, and only a few of them have "po" in their name...

Bonus addition: kurairyu's hands 1.5 - note that the changed hands will be visible just to yourself and those who downloaded this as well.