- Beautiful Lady, Lady of Rivers, Mistress of Enchantments
- Faerûnian Intermediate Powers: Beshaba | Gond | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Selune | Tymora | Umberlee | Auppenser | Leira | Tharizdun
Aliases: | {{{Deity Aliases}}} |
Gender: | {{{Deity Gender}}} |
Demonym: | {{{Deity Demonym}}} |
Power Level: | Intermediate deity |
Symbol: | Ankh and Star on a Lunar Disk |
Alignment: | Neutral Good |
Portfolio: | Weather, rivers, agriculture, love, marriage, good magic |
Worshipers: | Arcane spellcasters, druids, lovers, mothers. |
Arelith worshippers' alignments[1]: | CG, LG, NG |
Aspects: | {{{Deity Aspect1}}}, {{{Deity Aspect2}}} |