Resistance Spell level: bard 0; cleric 0; druid 0; paladin 1; sorcerer/wizard 0 Innate level: 0 1 School: abjuration Components: verbal, somatic Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 2 turns Save: harmless Spell resistance: no Description: Grants the target creature a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
Arelith Changes
Resistance: Scaling damage reduction (starts at 1/+1, improving to 2/+2 at CL7+, 3/+3 at CL14+, 4/+4 at CL21+ and 5/+5 at CL28+). The effect can absorb CL+1d6 damage before it fades. Duration is 1 hour.
- Infinite casting; uses are automatically replenished after casting. See Cantrip changes.