Template:Elf Deities
- Seldarine (Elf) Deities: Corellon Larethian | Angharradh | Aerdrie Faenya | Deep Sashelas | Erevan Ilesere | Hanali Celanil | Labelas Enoreth | Rillifane Rallathil | Sehanine Moonbow | Solonor Thelandira | Fenmarel Mestarine | Shevarash | Naralis Analor | Avachel | Tethrin Veralde | Kirith Sotheril | Araleth Letheranil | Sarula Iliene | Melira Taralen | Mythrien Sarath | Alathrien Druanna
- Other: Malkizid (currently selectable under Planar powers in the in game menu system)
- Other: Malkizid (currently selectable under Planar powers in the in game menu system)