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::start C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124
::start C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124
:Will not work!
:Will not work!
[[Category:NWN issues]]
[[Category:Help Desk]]

Revision as of 03:55, 19 October 2014

Arelith requires the latest official update 1.69 which can be downloaded using the game's Main Menu, as well as both official expansion packs (Shadows of Undrentide (SoU) and Hordes of the Underdark (HotU)).


Open Neverwinter Nights, and select 'Multiplayer', and then 'Join LAN Game'. After clicking on the 'Direct Connect' button at the bottom, enter one of the following IP addresses (no password is required):

Cordor - game.arelith.com:5123 (or
The Surface - game.arelith.com:5124 (or
The Underdark - game.arelith.com:5125 (or
Fixed Level - game.arelith.com:5126 (or

When logging off a character, you don't need to direct connect to the server you last logged in. Connecting to any of the three servers will show you your complete character vault, with any and all characters from Underdark, Cordor and Surface.

Connecting via the built-in GameSpy service is also possible, but it is a slower method for the client computer, as client has to transmit data to Gamespy before connection is made as well. It is a myth that direct connecting causes less lag for the server, it only causes less lag for the client computer and that is also only the case until connection to the server is made. Connection command, either through direct connect or served by Gamespy, is the same.

The recommended method is to directly connect from desktop. It is the fastest method for you to join the server.

See article about more players from the same network, if you are using the same wireless internet or local network (behind the same modem or firewall) with some other player of Arelith on NWN.

Any time the servers are not passworded, players may join. Five minutes waiting after resets is not required anymore because of this system. It guarantees a proper launching and stable running of the module.


"Jj's network has ping requests blocked, by the way, so the results of a ping won't tell you anything - I can connect just fine and can't ping." Fire Boar

Direct connect from desktop


Direct Connecting seems to reduce stress on both the server and other players' experience. Please, use this method connecting if possible. It will enhance your experience and enjoyment of all players on the server.

It will also allow you to connect comfortably when Master Server of NWN Gamespy is encountering problems and doesn't provide list of online servers.

In short

For MP servers there's the direct connect shortcut:

C:\nwn\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124

Also there's a direct connect shortcut for the DM client:

C:\nwn\nwmain.exe -dmc +connect game.arelith.com:5124 +password dmpword

Make a shortcut by right-clicking on nwmain.exe. Put either of the 2 above (depending on DM or normal client) in the "target" line and C:\nwn in the "start in" line. Replace examples with your path to NWN and your server's address and the password if the server uses it.

Detailed guide to direct connecting

(1) Create a shortcut on your desktop to the nwmain.exe file in your NWN directory.
(1a) Go to directory where your NWN game is installed.
(1b) Right click on nwmain.exe file and click "Copy"
(1c) Right click on you Desktop and click "Paste Shortcut"
(2) Right click on the shortcut and click properties.
(3) In the Target box, add the following text to the end of the line: " +connect game.arelith.com:5124" (without the quotes). So the Target should look something like this:
C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect game.areltih.com:5124
or like this for UD server:
C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5125
(4) Run the shortcut, which will connect you directly to Arelith.
(5) Check the player list before logging on. If there is none or only few players then the server is likely after restart. It would be appreciated if you waited for 5 minutes before connecting.

  • If the server's IP address (or port) change you'll need to update your shortcut.
  • If you use the same method to join a password protected server, add " +password YOUR_PASSWORD" to the end.
  • If you want to connect as a DM, you'll need to use +password with the DM password, and then " -dmc" at the end. e.g.:
C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124 +password DM_PASSWORD -dmc

Remember to change the port variation for each server. If you are connecting often to both servers, you may want to create three shortcuts on your desktop.

  • game.arelith.com:5123 for Cordor
  • game.arelith.com:5124 for the Surface
  • game.arelith.com:5125 for the Underdark
  • game.arelith.com:5126 for Fixed Level


Alternatively you can use a batch file to connect as well using the same method. A sample script:

@echo off
set nwndir=C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN
cd %nwndir%
echo Select a Server
echo 1. Surface
echo 2. Underdark
echo 3. Cordor
echo 4. FL
set /p servervar= Server Number:
if %servervar% == 1 start /wait %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124
if %servervar% == 2 start /wait %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5125
if %servervar% == 3 start /wait %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5123
if %servervar% == 4 start /wait %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5126

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%
for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%h in ('time /T') do set hour=%%h
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%m in ('time /T') do set minutes=%%m
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('time /T') do set ampm=%%a
set NOW=%hour%-%minutes%-%ampm%
move %nwndir%\logs\nwclientLog1.txt %nwndir%\logs\log-%TODAY%-%NOW%.txt

To create a batch Open notepad. Type this code in. And save as Servers.bat (it doesn't matter what you name it as long as it has .bat at the end).

Alternatively, if you just want a direct connect with no middle option, you can enter this script:

@echo off
cd C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\
start nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5123

Explaining the commands

  • @echo off
That turns off the unsightly file path.
  • cd C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\
Make sure you have this, the batch doesn't seem to work right unless you set the path before.
  • echo
This is the text that you see.
  • set /p servervar= Server Number:
This is the multiple choice script.
server is the variable a variable and has to be set before anything can be done.
  • if %servervar% == 1 start nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124
This called on the servervar variable (HAS to have % on either sides I believe)
And if servervar is set to 1 then it automatically connects to the server Skipping Game Spy.
Make sure you have the path set before this, entering
start C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect game.arelith.com:5124
Will not work!