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Sometimes players playing on two different computers, but using the same wireless internet or local network (behind the same modem or firewall) may experience problems with that or cause problems for Arelith server. This can concern those connecting from the same building as someone else. (Using the same IP address and the same client port.)

Before reading further, ensure that each player is using different CD key. (You can find them inside nwncdkey.ini file in your Neverwinter Nights directory)


  • One of the players can be timing out for a while. Making hard or impossible for all to play at same time.
  • This can be cause for Clones / Multiple Characters bug.
  • Crashes of whole server

Simple solution

Find your Neverwinter Nights directory and locate the file


You can open this file in any text editor to edit it (for example in Notepad).

Once it's open, find the entry "Client Port=" in the "[Profile]" section. Simply change the port so each computer has a different one. The default port is 5120. One of you should change it to something else, perhaps 5122. If there is a third player then he can use Client Port=5123, etc. Note that if you ever use the NWN Server program to host your own multiplayer modules, your server port (default 5121) must be different to every client port on your network. It is recommended that you do not ever set your client port to 5121, whether you use NWN Server or not.

Save the file and close it. You are all done here (assume it's done correctly). You will now have to restart your NWN client for the change to take effect.

Be sure that this change is saved and remains, even when you run the game and/or reboot your computer. You should be fine then.

Should problems persist

Make sure your game clients don't use the same port. Look in each nwnplayer.ini file again.

If ports are different then see following advices from forum.

  • Some Internet service providers (ISP), mostly college/university and apartment type connections block multiple users from using some ports that may casue issues with users connecting to NWN simultaneously. You would have to contact your ISP about this.
  • If you are using gamespy to connect you should try to make sure both PC's are using Direct Connect through the "Join LAN game" and not the "Join Internet game" options from the mutiplayer menu.

From Jjjerm

Try setting the default ports differently on the different computers. If you're not using set internal IP's, what may be happening is that the server box sees xx.xx.xx.xx IP address as being online, and then xx.xx.xx.xx IP trying to get online, so by altering the ports it should surmount that.

Go into your NWN folder, open up your nwnplayer.ini file, and change the client port and the server port by a few numbers. (IE, change 5120 to 5122, and 5121 to 5123 or something...only do it on one computer, you can do it on multiple computers, but make sure that you don't use the same numbers on any two machines). I honestly don't think the client port has nearly as much to do with it, but it won't hurt to change them both.

That should work, but if it doesn't, try setting static IP addresses internally between your two machines (ie, in america, something like: for one and for another). That's less likely to help than the above, but if the above doesn't work try that.

From other player

Everything is fixed. I'll explain how... though quite honestly I'm not really sure what happened but it worked and I'm rolling with it.

Firstly I would like say that i had previously tried these methods to no avail. Why they worked now is completely beyond me....

firstly I REchanged my ports for both the client port AND game ports, saved the nwnsplayer.ini and reopened it. Much to my surprise, it had revered as I stated before. So I did it again, and asked my wife to do the same ( she had already done this as well ).

I logged in, requested her to do the same.. No luck. I then logged us both out I changed my client port to 5123 and Game port to 5122. I'm mentioning these because those are the numbers which ended up working for me.

I then changed my wifes to 5120 client and Default Game port. I then logged in and she did the same to no avail. HOWEVER!! there was a bright side. I noticed that her nwnsplayer.ini took the client and game ports i had specified as their defaults. This got me thinking.. so i revered her numbers both to default and logged her in firstly, i then joined her and Problem solved...

I am not sure why, but I believe NWN, our router, or the Server box( possibly all three) saw us as Computerxx and Computerxx(copy) with my computer being the original. I had tried these methods previously to no avail, however her nwnsplayer.ini did not take My settings that time. I am not sure why.

My computer has had odd.. bugs shall we say happen quite often, only really solving themselves when it " decides or feels like it should allow me to do so" I believe this was one of those odd bugs. Hopefully however if someone has the same problem I did this can help them.

If everything fails

Try to ask for assistance fellow players on forums.